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((Sorry for my not posting thing. Have another chapter, it gets happier in this chapter.))

Maskys P.O.V
I woke up still tired at almost 6 in the morning. Yay! Only 4 hour of sleep! Yay! Sense my sarcasm please, anyway I take a shower, get dressed you know how life is. I start waking up more and more as a head down for 'breakfast'. I made myself some coffee I wasn't hungry. I got to thinking about yesterday, Jack was mad because I had hurt Toby. I wasn't drunk and I have a good memory anyway. What did jack mean by that? Did Toby lie to him?

No that's not like Toby, he's a lot of things but a lier was not one of them.But the question i need answered is who really attacked Toby?I kept thinking and think, but I still don't get who would be able to get to Toby without me hearing or even noticing ?I notice hoodie coming down and getting a pop tart. He sat across from me"Hay Masky" he said . "What do you want?" I asked kinda done with whatever he was gonna say before he said it." I just wanted to know what happened last night on the mission." Wow, even my best friend thinks I did it." Do you really think that I would beat Toby up?"

It took him a minute, thanks hoodie you're such a good friend!"well, I'm not sure" thanks hoodie, THANKS!" I didn't! Why would I beat up Toby and bring him back to the mansion! Besides how would I even have done it?!" Hoodie sat there for about minute as I saw clockwork come in mad" Sup dip shit"

"Well good morning to you too, oh and- can you kindly remove you're head from you're ass"I snickered at that last part. "Oh you think you're soooo smart "she had rolled her one eye." Welp I'm out, it's clear I'm not wanted here" I put my empty cup of coffee in the sink then went to my room. I heard clockwork say "damn right you aren't"

Dumb asses... if I had attacked Toby like that I'd never bring him back and let his mom find him. But they don't know about his mom except hoodie. He can really be a idiot sometimes, him and Kate where there when he went missing! But I'm not sure they even know what's going on anymore.

Hoodie's P.O.V

After Masky walked away clockwork said "damn right you aren't" ." I don't even get why he's you're friend" oh if she starts! "Clockwork, you messed up again" she had made herself some breakfast and sat down. I said taking a bite out of my pop tart." Hah?! How?" She looked mad. "I'm not sure Masky is the one who attacked Toby. Did you forget we are trying to save him and Toby's relationship?" With that I saw Toby walk downstairs awkwardly." Hey toby..." I put my head down. He heard what I said didn't he.

"Hoodie, Sally's old play house, 11pm sharp" clockwork had whispered in my ear and Toby made some waffles or something." Wanna t-talk a-ab-about What I h-heard?" I think it's better that Toby found out, I mean. He should have gotten the hint with clockwork. "Toby, you remember Sally's old play house?" He nodded " meet me and hoodie there at 11. We'll explain there" Toby frowned " but I wa-wAnna know n-n-nowww" he whined.

Clockwork gave him the mama state " I don't care- WAIT!" That shut him up and he jumped on the counter. He had bandages and patches all over. It's some what sad, like a fish with no fins trying to swim. But he seems happy... strange

Toby's P.O.V

"Did you forget we're trying to save him and Toby's relationship"

What was that supposed to mean? Who the hell is him? I guess I'll find out at 11. I ate my breakfast and went upstairs and started to walk to my room until I smelled smoke... yesterday hit me like a slap by satin. I stoped walking and sunk into the memory. After I fell asleep the smell of smoke stayed with me, when I woke up Masky was putting me in a dumpster then I blacked out. Then I woke up next to Eyeless healing me.

Masky was the one who did that to me.... wasn't he..
HA we told you!~
Neeheehee I never asked for you're opinion now did I Rogers~!

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