Chapter Twenty-Four

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"My mother called me again to tell me she loves you and you're invited over anytime, with or without me," Lawson said into his phone, grinning when Sean chuckled into his ear. It had been three weeks since Sean had come home with him to meet his family, and Lawson had received multiple invitations for the both of them to return since. "I don't know how you've gotten everyone in my life to love you. Your family and friends are probably going to hate me".

"We both know that's not true," Sean said simply, and Lawson rolled his eyes, because he actually didn't know. "Speaking of my family though, I'm gonna call them by the end of next week, probably on Thursday, to talk to them about you. I figured it's time I tell them I have a boyfriend. You may need to talk to them so they don't freak out, though, since they're kind of protective".

Nerves knotted in Lawson's stomach, and he worried at his lip. It was Saturday, which gave him only five days to prepare, and he had no doubt that he would need them. While Sean hadn't specifically explained his parents worry about him getting into a new relationship, he had mentioned it had to do with his bad breakup with his ex, and that made Lawson a lot more nervous.

"Hey," Sean said softly into his ear. "Don't freak out, okay? You're perfect, Lawson. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. The second they talk to you they'll realize they have nothing to worry about".

"You have a lot of faith in me," Lawson said after a pause. "Aren't you worried that I'll say something stupid or awkward?"

"Oh, I have no doubt that you will," Sean admitted casually. Groaning, Lawson rolled over in bed, pressing his face into his pillow. "That won't matter though. This call isn't necessarily about you meeting them. I mean, it is, but how you act won't really determine whether or not they like you. It'll happen automatically when they see how much I care about you, because they'll know you're something special".

Fuck. Lawson wondered if it was the right time to tell Sean he loved him, but it still seemed far too soon. "Sean, you're cute as shit. Why are you dating me again? Do I need to talk to you about the dangers of settling?"

This made Sean laugh. "Shut up," he instructed eventually, voice still light with laughter. "What are you doing right now?"

"Uh," Lawson rolled back over onto his back and looked at the abandoned calculator and text book at the bottom of his bed. "Well, I was doing homework, but then you called me and distracted me".

It was silent for a moment, and then Sean asked, "Calc?" And there was something in his voice that Lawson immediately identified. Mischief. He thought about what was about to happen. Sean would ask if he needs help, and Lawson would say yes, and then he'd come over and they'd work for like ten minutes and spend the rest of the afternoon making out and engaging in other activities. "Do you not want to?"

Of course he did. With a long sigh, he mumbled  "get your ass over here".


Sean walked into his room without even knocking, kicking his shoes off as he shot a glance over at Wes's side of the room. Upon seeing it empty, Sean's lips curled up and he threw his backpack at the foot by Lawson's bed before joining him on top of the covers.

"Hi," Lawson greeted, still looking at his calc textbook as Sean leaned over to kiss his neck. Without pause, Lawson tilted his head to offer up more of his skin, but his eyes stayed on his text book. "You're not even going to pretend like we're going to do work?"

With a soft huff of amusement, Sean pulled back from his neck to connect their lips instead. There was no protest that Lawson could think of- besides that he needed to do homework but that was dumb- so he complied, pushing his calc textbook off his bed without a thought and sliding his arms around Sean's waist as he was guided back against the mattress. He found himself on his side, leaning over his boyfriend to kiss him with Sean's hands rubbing the skin of his hips just above his waistband.

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