Chapter 1

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Casey's POV

I wake up in my lonely room with the sound of the hustle and bustle of the pack house. I see that the sun is barely up and roll over to look at my alarm clock. It is 7:49am. I have to be at work by 9 so I roll out of bed and set to the task of getting ready.

I'm ready by 8:30 and I head to the kitchen to grab an apple and a water bottle and make my way to work. I work at a diner right outside of the packs territory where I am a waitress. I have oversized breasts and an ass that needs a "Wide Load" sign on it. I'm heavier built and have been since I was a little kid. It's very rare for a werewolf to be built like that and I've been trying to fix it my whole life. My parents loved me anyway but tried to help me because I was upset about it. Me being fat killed my parents.... I shake my head of those thoughts and head to work with the familiar ache in my heart.

Today was especially slow so I go out for my lunch break. I head over to the book store on the other side of town I truly love. I am in there for maybe 10 minutes when I round the corner and run smack dab into someone. The other person is solid and I'm the one to fall back on the ground. That doesn't happen often. I slowly look up to the mystery person and when I lock eyes with them the world stops. My wolf Rose starts screaming MATE, MATE, MATE, in my head over and over again. My first instinct is to jump in their arms but my second was to get as far away as possible. I go with voice number two. So I sprint out the door and wrench my car door open. I get in and pull out so fast I'm amazed I didn't hit anyone. I drive as fast as I can back to the diner as my lunch break has come to an end. I step out of my car and am pinned to it the second I do. I struggle to get away but it is no use, but based on the sparks I know exactly who it is. I look up and scan their features and that's when I realize IT'S A WOMAN. And not just any woman she reeks of power.

After a few minutes of both of us analyzing each other we both look up. Her face holds joy and excitement and mine holds fear and confusion. She sees my face and hers drops as she looks at me sadly. "Why did you run mate?" She asks me after she steps back slightly. When she speaks it sends a shiver down my spine and my mouth falls open even more. "Ho-how is this even possible?" I ask wide eyed. "I'm straight as an arrow." She just sort of laughs and takes my hand and leads me to her car. I simply follow, even though I have no idea why. I can't focus on anything other then her hand in mine. My wolf is going crazy and my mind becomes muddled.

We get in the back seats and we drive for several minutes before it hits me what I am doing. I start realizing what's happening and pull at the door handle trying to get out. She puts her hand on my leg and asks me what is wrong. I simply shake my head talking to myself about how impossible this is and how she is going to reject me and lots of other things when I feel her lift my chin so I am looking her right in the eyes. "Listen to me mate you are perfect for me I have waited a long time for you so calm down." She basically growls out. In the end it was just all too much for me as black consumes my vision.

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