Chapter 5

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Casey's POV

She drags me into the kitchen and I sit down on a stool watching her work. She pulls out some popcorn and begins popping it on the stove. As she works my eyes follow her around the kitchen. When she gets the popcorn done and pours into a bowl I decide to finally ask her, " What's your name?" She looks shaken for a second before she laughs, " I guess I never introduced myself did I? My name is Ashlan but, most people call me Ash." I smile and repeat it, "Ashlan." A shiver goes down her spine as she grabs the popcorn and gestures for me to follow. We go down a hallway and we enter a MOVIE THEATRE. She walks over to a couch and sits down, I go to sit on another couch but she pulls me down right next to her. She puts her arm around me and the only way I could possibly be comfortable is if I lay my head on her so I do.

It is about midnight when we come out of the theatre. She leads me back up to her room and gives me a shirt and shorts as pajamas. I can tell they are hers based on the scent. I go to the bathroom and put them on thankful that they fit and go back out. She is laying in bed and I stand awkwardly not sure what to do. She sighs and gets out of bed and pulls me over. She leads me to the bed and helps me get in. She goes to walk out of the room but I stop her. "Where are you going?" She looks up with a sad smile " I can tell you are uncomfortable so I am going to sleep on the couch." I shake my head and tell her we can share. She gets super excited and gets on the bed with me. She wraps her arm around me and we fall into a deep sleep.

I am awoken by an alarm clock and it is 6 in the freaking morning. I see Ashlin getting out of bed and putting on some spandex shorts and a sports bra. She sees me awake and asks " do you want to come train with the pack?" Before she even finishes her sentence I am shaking my head no. I get a questioning look in return so I say " I prefer to work out by myself." She gives me an uneasy look like she doesn't want to leave but I tell her I'll be fine. She begrudgingly oes but not before stationing two guards outside the door.

It seems like forever until she gets back but in reality it was about 2 hours. She came back In the room and stripped just right there in front of me. She sees me looking and winks at me before going into the bathroom. My face explodes in color and I hide under the covers. She comes out of the bathroom and tells me after about 5 minutes its safe to look. I take the covers off my face that was still beet red. She throws some clothes at me and tells me to get ready that we are going shopping today. I hurriedly shower and get ready before going down stairs. where I meet Ash in the living room. We get into her SUV and head out to the mall. As we are driving we just engage in small talk when a thought hits me, "oh my god I never called into work!!" She gives me a strange look and says " you're worried about your work but not your family?"

I pretty much shut down after she asks me that and don't say anything for the next 20 minutes. I didn't even notice that I had started crying until she parked somewhere and used her thumbs to wipe my tears. She kisses each of my cheeks and them pulls me into a hug neither of us saying anything for about a half hour. After that we both pull away and I fix my face. I noticed that we turned around and asked her why. " You are too upset we will go another day." She says sternly. I simply nod and wait until we go back home.

When we get there she leads me upstairs where she sits down on the bed and pulls me into her lap. I try to get up saying I'm too heavy when she shushes me and rocks me as I cry for my family. For some reason I can't stop myself as I tell her how I've been alone since I was 15. After 1 hour and a soaked shirt later I actually felt better. I apologized over an dover about her shirt but she simply just changed stating it was not big deal. we sat in silence for maybe 15 minutes until she asked me " go for a run with me?" I agree happily and we make our way outside.

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