Chapter 12

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Casey is laying on the bed in nothing but my shirt. I don't think she understands that I can see her soaking wet pussy from the bathroom. But I'm sure as hell not going to tell her. I fill the bathtub up and use unscented bubble bath. I don't want to cover up her scent. The bathtub gets full enough and I turn it off. I go into the bed room to get Casey when I see her fiddling with her phone. She has a sad look on her face and has tears in her eyes. I ask her what's wrong and she jumps like she didn't know I was there. She stutters trying to come up with a response and in the end just shrugs. "Come let's take a bath and then we will lay down and talk about it, ok?"

She nods her head and I lead her to the tub. I help her in and then get in myself. I pull her against me and just hold her for a while. I start washing her hair loving the feeling of her hair running through my fingers. I start to scrub her scalp and she lets out a moan that went straight to my downstairs. I ignore it as I start washing her body. Her nipples harden as I scrub them and when I make my way down to her pussy she jumps a little bit doesn't resist. At one point she lets out a moan and I have to stop myself from jumping her. Once I finish her I wash myself really fast and we get out. I throw her a towel and we go into the bed room. I take the shirt I was wearing and drop it over her head. It has my scent all over it and it should help calm her. We lay down in bed and she looks like she is about to burst. I put her in my lap and rub her back. She sobs for over an hour and finally starts to tell me her story.

" When I was 15 I was heavier then anyone else my age. I would get picked on constantly. The doctor didn't know why I was heavier and gave my parents a diet that should help. It never did so they gave up. I didn't though, I was always counting calories and running. But nothing ever worked! I was tired of  getting picked on so I developed an eating disorder. I finally started losing weight! But I was becoming extremely unhealthy so my parents took me to a psychiatrist. On the way a car hit us head on and both my parents died. I somehow survived but wished I hadn't. I was alone in the world at 15. My alpha helped me as much as he could but he could only do so much. I finally was able to get a job and support myself last year. But it was my fault Ash! I shouldn't be alive! If I hadn't of been over weight and caused all these problems than my parents would still be here.!!!!!!!!!!!"

I rub her back and and comfort her as much as possible. After 20 minutes or so she calmed down enough to where she could talk a little bit. I continue rubbing her back and she finally managed to stop crying completely. I kissed all the wetness off her face and brought her down stairs. I sat her on the counter and got her a glass of water. I knew her throat had to be sore. She thankfully drank all the water and leaned her head against my shoulder. "Baby I need you to look me in the eyes ok?" She nodded as she raised up and connected our eyes. "None of what happened is your fault! Ok? You couldn't have stopped what happened to you. Your parents are doing what made them happy taking care of their daughter ok? If you hadn't of let them help you you could be dead right now. I couldn't live without you baby. I know it makes you sad and angry but you have to stop thinking it's your fault ok?" She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me so tight like I was going to disappear. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear and she finally was back to her normal self, mostly.

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