Chapter 16

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Casey's POV

We find a parking place all the way at the end of one of the lines and make the trek to the front door. All the way we are talking and laughing when we get to the front door I pause and look at Ash horrified. "We have to go right now." I take her hand and try to walk back to the car. She pulls me back and asks why. My cheeks instantly become red and I mumble "I don't have any money." Ash laughs so hard I think she is going to fall over. "Baby you don't ever have to worry about money come on." I try to stand my ground but she is too strong and is literally pulling me through the mall.

The first place she decides to go is the worst place possible. Victoria secret. I immediately turn around but she grabs my hand again pulling me into the store. "Baby you need this stuff." I sigh and follow her; she starts picking out a ton of stuff and when I look closer I realize everything is my size. I look at her with my arms crossed and raise one eyebrow slightly. She smiles a mega-watt smile at me and chuckles under her breathe. "Can I help you with something baby?" I look at her in shock and ask"how do you know my sizes?" She laughs a little more and says "I look at you a lot. Now hold this stuff because I'm not done. By the time she was done neither of us could hold anymore. We put everything on the counter and the lady looks at us with a huge smile and rings us up. When the total comes up I start protesting but Ash gives me a look that shuts me up. Now we get to walk around the mall with the biggest Victoria Secret bag ever. And that just starts the most embarrassing day of my life.

We walk out of the store with so many bags it's hard to carry and I have the darkest blush in my face. Ash has a huge smirk on her face but doesn't say anything. We get everything loaded and start the journey home. "I can't believe you did that in the middle of the food court!!!" A young man about my age came up to me and asked for my number while Ash went to the bathroom. I politely declined and he sat down not taking the hint. But what was bad is he sat on my side of the booth and out his hand on my thigh. I kept politely asking him to move but he didn't and then Ash came out. She ripped the boy out of the seat and proceeded to yell that I was hers and that if he ever touched me again she would rip his dick off and sew it to his face. Everybody in the food court looked over and I wanted the ground to eat me whole. The kid ran off back to his friends and they all left. Ash dragged me out of my seat and we made our way to the car. Ash's smirk dropped and a low growl ripped out of her throat. She pulled the car over and got right in my face. "You. Are. Mine. Casey. I will kill anyone who dares to do much as look at you with lust. That human is lucky he is a human because I would have killed him right there." She ripped my shirt in half and touched my mark. "This Right here shows you are mine and so does this." She shoved her face in my mark and her hand went to my breast. I gasped in surprise and arched toward her. As quickly as she descended on me she backed away and started driving like nothing happened. I could smell my own arousal filling the car and Ash's hands kept gripping the steering wheel tighter and tighter.

We made it home in record time because Ash just couldn't wait any longer. I tried to get out of the car and run in the house but she wouldn't let me leave the car in my own. She came around and opened the door picking me up. She made sure I was pressed flat against her so that no body could see my front. As soon as we got in the house I tried to get down but apparently that wasn't happening. She moved her hands onto my butt and squeezed. She backed me into the wall and proceeded to rub herself all over me. My wolf took over me at that point, she took our mates hand and shoved it down the front of my pants. Ash was surprised and pulled her head back looking into my eyes, she smirked at seeing that they were my wolfs. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you  Rose. This is the first time Casey has lost complete control." I smiled and said, "Casey's control is amazing but she wasn't paying attention and I wanted to meet my mate. I already know your Wolf Lilly very well but hadn't met you yet." Ash smirked and asked the question that had me fighting for control back. But my wolf was too strong at that point. "Rose what will drive Casey crazy sexually?" "one word BDSM." That was all Rose got out before Casey took control again.

Ash's Pov
She looked frightened and tried to get away from me but after that shocking reveal I wasn't letting her get away. "My little mate keeps on surprising me." She hid her face in my neck and wouldn't look me in the eye for anything. When she wouldn't bring her head up I decided it was time to show her the special section of my closet. I carried her up there and set her down in the walk in closet. She looked around confused. "Why are you showing me the closet." A huge smirk lit up my face and I said "there is a part of the house you haven't seen I was saving it for the right time." I took her hand  and moved a section of clothes that was on the wall. Behind it was a door. I opened it up and her mouth fell open as we went inside....

My Mate is an Alpha Female?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن