Chapter 6

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Casey's POV

We go out the back door and head into the forest her changing and shifting in the open, me going behind a tree. Once we are both in wolf form I go and stand next to her. She is huge! She can easily stand over me without touching me!! We play around nudging and chasing each other for a while when she makes the "follow me" motion with her head. We sprint through the forest for maybe 10 minutes when we come to a spring. It is absolutely beautiful!

Ash shifts and gets into the water but I stay in wolf form not wanting to be naked. She sort of gives me a look but doesn't say anything. We splash around for a while taking turns jumping off the cliff behind it when we decided it was best to head back. We had only made it about half way home when I hear a growl come from behind me. Ash immediately puts me behind her and stands in a defensive manner. But when the wolf comes out Ash sighs and shifts human as does the other wolf. It is a very big man with a lot of muscles that usually I would find hot but for some reason I don't. I finally tune back into the conversation after a while and hear this. "Oh my God you finally found her!!!! Oh my god now we can go on double dates and you don't have to get all moody when me and Charlie are together, oooooo have you done the nasty yet?"  Ash growls at him telling him it is none of his business and they play fight for a second. I sit awkwardly on the ground waiting for them to finish.

When they are done Ash walks back over to me and scratches behind my ear. My wolf starts purring and leans into her touch. The mystery man comes over to us and introduces himself to me. "I am Gabe, your mates best friend." I nod my wolf head at him and Ash tells him my name. After a while he leaves and Ash tells me to shift. I shake my head wanting to go get our clothes. She sighs and says "there is no reason to hide your body from me I love every part of it. But I want to talk on our way back to get our clothes. Please?" I still shake my head and she goes to a random tree and picks a big shirt from it. She gives it to me and I go behind a tree putting it on. It comes to mid thigh and It smells like her.

She grabs my hand and we talk the whole way back. She tells me all about Gabe and his mate Charlie who are gay and I get kind of confused. " I didn't know there were many same sex shifters." She laughs slightly and says "there are a lot actually but smaller packs don't have that many as it isn't as common as different sex mates. My pack has the most since their alpha is a lesbian. A lot of them come from different packs as there is no judgement here. Because some packs don't like it." I frown wondering why it was such a big deal. I mean the moon goddess made them mates so it should be accepted. With that we started to walk in silence. My wolf started putting pictures of what Ash looked like naked and to say it was turning me on was an understatement. I didn't want her to smell me so I quickly thought of something else. But it was too late I was pushed up against a tree as she took a deep breathe. When she opened her eyes again they were pitch black and I knew her wolf had taken over. She growled and said "you smell delicious mate. Now what has you all hot and bothered. What is my naughty little mate thinking of?" I gulp as she starts kissing my neck and my breathing becomes more ragged. When all of a sudden she pulls herself back and puts some distance between us. She is breathing heavily and trying to calm herself down.

She has her eyes closed and her breathing has slowed down. After probably 10 minutes she opens them and they are the dark green I have come to love. "I'm sorry love I couldn't stop myself." I look at her questionably and ask why she did. She laughs a little and says "well mate I was seconds away from marking you as mine. I am fighting every instinct I possess to not mark you but I want to make sure you are ready before I do." With that she grabs my hand and we go to where our clothes are. We change and head in to have a snack. She grabs a big bowl full of fruit and we go up to her room. We watch a movie and eat all the fruit before I fall asleep still thinking if I want her to mark me or not.

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