Part 35

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Third Person POV

Samy heard Munna saying that he was gonna remove her clothing, one every minute. She didn't know how Sid responded, but could imagine his anger. She knew Munna was trying to lure Sid into this trap.

"Come idiots, try to touch my clothes. The first one to enter is going to be blind for the rest of his life." She clutched her heel tightly, deciding to hit their eyes, as the best way to retaliate and effective use of the only weapon in her hands.

Suddenly everything went quiet, like a storm was going to explode any moment. Munna and his accomplices, were trying to put their ears to wind, hoping to catch the sound of Sid's bike, through the green army of trees surrounding them.

Some of them, who knew Sid and tasted his blows, looked around nervously, not sure which direction he was going to come from. Others were completely over confidant, thinking, it is just one guy and they were many.

As the minutes rolled by slowly, everyone went into alert mode, as the sound of a bike became louder and louder.

Few seconds later Sid roared in and stopped right in front of Munna, taking in everything and everyone's location, including the car, Samy was prisoner in.

Munna was surprised and sceptical, unable to believe, Sid walked into his trap.

"Yah .. ha ..ha" Munna laughed, pointing his finger at Sid. Though his laughter was meant to show his strength, his voice displayed a shaky undertone, betraying his confidence.

"Ha..ha..ha" His followers echoed him, all pointing their fingers at Sid and laughing at him.

"Sid .. you are an idiot. Why did you come? It's not a movie. We both are going to die now." Samy thought, trying to catch Sid's vision, hoping to see his face, one last time, before the horror show begins.

Sid, ignored the laughter around him and glared so hard at Munna, that felt like someone slid a cold knife into his back, causing a shiver to run through his spine.

"Ha .. ha" His followers mimicked their leader, pointing fingers at Sid.

"It's not too late to change your mind and release us unharmed. I promise you there won't be any retaliation." Sid spoke sternly.

"You fucking idiot! You think you are in a bargaining situation?" Munna screamed at Sid, stepped forward and slapping his forehead in frustration with Sid's insolence.

"See Munna, you are a two bit goon. I am not afraid of you or these brainless idiots, who call you boss. If you try to harm me or Samy, you are going to choke and die. Just stay in your limits." Sid explained calmly.

"How dare you call me a two bit goon? Do you know who you are dealing with? I am the mafia king of this city. I personally committed twenty five murders and dozens of rapes. Just last week we robbed the city bank and the cops are still scratching their heads. You are going to die horribly  .. Ofcourse after you watch us rape your girlfriend. You idiot .. you should be begging us for mercy. I will show you how to respect today. By the time this show ends, you will be crawling on your hands and begging me for mercy .. hahaha." Munna laughed as his associates joined him.

"You don't know my family. My uncle is a cabinet minister. They are going to hunt each of you and kill you, if anything happens to me. You still jave time." He pointed his finger to his associates, turning towards them and warning them of the consequences. "Guys, if you want to live, step away right now. This is your chance to turn around your life, else, you will hunted down for the rest of your life. I come from a very powerful and connected family."

For a second, few of them thought about it, but with no one backing out, all of them turned and laughed at Sid.

Seeing  no effect of Sid's overtures and warnings over his associates , emboldened Munna further and he decided to start the show.

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