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Ned's POV:

Peter has been out of school for three days and I was starting to panic. He does this once every month or so. He locks himself in his lab for days and ignores the whole world for that time. His uncle Tony allows him to do this as long has he logs the food and sleep but I was worried.

We had a field trip. To Avengers Tower. Where he is. To his lab.


Peter's Pov:

I was rushing around my lab while pausing to write things down on boards or alter some lines of code on computers that are scattered around the room. I was also trying to tidy it up as there was papers, coffee cups, plates with half-eaten food, tools, chemicals in tubes, grease stains, random projects, and books that are scattered around my lab as a tour group was suppose to be stopping by today.

I had Hamilton playing from the speakers along with Yuri!!! On Ice playing on the Tv on one wall. I jam another pencil into my hair that was tied up and put my glasses on top of my head as well. I was stressed and just wanted to get back to my work.

To bad Uncle Tony is making me clean my lab for a tour group. I had never had a tour group in my lab before and was pretty confused as to why a tour group was stopping by. There was no chance I was going to get this remotely clean.

Ned's POV***************

We had already had lunch and were moving onto the higher labs. AKA Peter's lab. I pull my phone out again and try to text him for the hundreth time. And of course, he didn't respond.

"All right y'all. Mr. Stark has decided to change the plan so we are going to be heading straight to his person interns lab now," Missy, the tour guide says and I try texting Peter again and again, he doesn't respond.

Peter's POV**********

"Peter," Uncle Tony's voice says and I hum.

"Yeah yeah, I know it's a mess but I have been trying to clean it.

"Peter," Uncle Tony tries again but I cut him off.

"I know I know Uncle Tony but your lab looks worse after you lock yourself in it for days," I say and write down some more numbers for the code I'm working on right now.

"Peter," Uncle Tony tries to talk again but I cut him off.

"And it was well worth it. I've managed to make a food synthesizer like on Star Trek, though I can only manage to make celery," I say and walk over to the synthesizer and press the code in and a peice of celery pops out of the bottom of it.

"Peter!" Uncle Tony says and I turn around to see my whole chemistry class stairing at me with open mouths.

"Uh, any one want celery?" I ask holding the stock up.

"WHAT THE HELL PENIS!?" Flash yells and I wince.

"H-hey Flash," I say and wave the peice of celery at him.

"What did you just call my nephew?" Uncle Tony says and I wince.

"N-nothing sir," Flash says before his words really set in.

"NEPHEW!?" My whole class yells minus Ned as he already knew.

"Will you all stop yelling? This is a no yelling zone," I say and point to the sign on the wall that I made with the 3D printer.

"Peter, you have stuck signs all over the tower and are confusing people, stop," Uncle Tony says with a smile and I smile back.

"I can't help it! I like making signs!" I say and Uncle Tony laughs.

"I should never have given you that printer," Uncle Tony says and I laugh.

"I would have made my own," I say and Uncle Tony nods and smiles.

"That's true, you already did that with the car which I'm still not happy about," Uncle Tony says and I laugh.

"Hey! You are the one who wouldn't let me drive one of your cars!" I say and this causes Uncle Tony to laugh.

"You were twelve!" Uncle Tony says and I shrug.

"Better question, what the hell is Penis Parker doing here?" Flash asks and I wince again.

"First of all, it's Peter. Second, who are you?" Uncle Tony asks and I want to smile knowing Flash is about to regreat ever bullying me.

"Flash Thompson, star qurter back and on the decathalon team," Flash says smuggly and I wince.

"Flash, you are an alternative for Peter on the decathlon team and you are only the star quarter back because your parents bribed the school," MJ says and I shoot her a smile of thanks.

"Shut up!" Flash yells at MJ and I glare at him. I was going to say something but some one beat me to it.

"No, you can shut up. I will not allow you to say those kinds of things and I will not let you treat Peter like you are," A female voice says and I turn to see Aunt Pepper.

"Hey Aunt Pepper," I say and go to hug her.

"Hey Pete, how's your day been going?" Aunt Pepper asks and I smile.

"Good but Uncle Tony is saying that I have to stop printing 3D signs," I say and pout.

"Tony has a point though. Your signs are confusing people, you can't detect people with vines or whatever there called," Aunt Pepper says and I pout.

"You don't understand because everyone's old here," I say and this causes Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony to laugh.

"Well, your just going to have to wait for when you take over and then you can put up as many meme signs as you want," Uncle Tony says and I nod.

"Take over!? What is going on Penis!?" Flash yells in anger.

"I am talking with my aunt and uncle so you can shut up. That is what is up," I say and Flash turns red but becomes silent.

"It's about time for the press conference," Aunt Pepper says and I look down at her watch to see that she is right.

"And now its for the last and surprise part of your field trip. If you will follow us," Aunt Pepper says and everyone nods.

Everyone follows Aunt Pepper, Uncle Tony, and I to our largest media room and my class sits while I stand with my aunt and uncle at the front of the room.

"If everyone will be quiet I will tell you why we asked you to come today," Uncle Tony says and everyone shuts up.

"As you know, neither of us is getting any younger. You probably have also noticed the young man beside me. The young man besides me is none other then my nephew, my older sisters kid," Uncle Tony asks and everyone starts yelling questions.

"My father was unfaithful to my mother and had my older sister, Mary. He hid her and had nothing to do with her. Due to certain events, Peter Parker-Stark came to be in my care. I have decided to make him the heir of this company and everything I own. I will let him introduce himself, Uncle Tony says and let's me take his place.

"Hello. A lot of people may know me of Peter Parker but my full name is Peter Parker-Stark. I came to live with my Uncle and Aunt after my parents died and then my Aunt May. I have been kept out of the public eye but I am revealing who I really am today. My name is Peter Parker-Stark but that is not my only name. I am other wise known as the vigilante known as Spider-Man," I say with a smile fixed to my face.

The reporters are yelling. Ned is grinning. MJ is smirking a knowing smirk and my whole class has their mouths open and Aunt Pepper and Uncle Tony had proud smiles on their faces.

Well, there's one way to reveal your a billionaire and a superhero

Peter Parker One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now