Oh my god!

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I just got the funniest phone call in my life! Some woman with an Indian accent or something called me claiming to be part of the US government treasury and said they were randomly giving my $9,000 to do whatever I wanted with it and called it a 'grant'. Somehow she had my full name, email, city, zip code, and state.

 I screwed around with her and got her to change my information to Reena Roberts, flyingbird657atgmail.com, Charles city, 69206, and that I lived in Illinois. I also got her to write down that I was thirty-six and single. 

Not a lick of that is true by the way.

Anyway, she was trying to get my credit card information and bank number. I have neither. After five minutes of talking to her and giving her bullshit, I said I work for the government and knew that this was a whole scam and was tracking her. I don't work for the government either. Her reaction was priceless. She went silent in a silent freakout and then "Oh, ok," And hung up the phone. I am still laughing about it right now.

Now she's scared shitless, has all the wrong information, and I got a good laugh out of it. 

It may seem cruel but I don't give two shits because I get dozens of these calls a week and am sick and tired of it.

Moral of the story, if people call you asking for information, either hang up immediately or get them to change all of your information and then hang up. Never give out personal information guys, or girls, or nonbinary people and maybe screw with someone trying to screw with you.

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