Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me

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" "Ugly"






I always think of that saying, sticks, and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. And I am always bitter. Whoever started that saying was stupid. Of course, sticks and stones will break bones, but words can hurt just as much, if not more.

People always say, shrug it off, it's not that bad. But it was. Every word feeling like a punch to the gut. Some people say it gets better with time. I call bullshit. It doesn't, it gets worse. Every time someone ignores it, it gets worse. Cementing the fact that the words are true, because why object to something that is right?

So yes, I was bitter. I was bitter at the fact that people talked about what they didn't know and I was bitter at the fact that I was expected to be ok, all the damn time. Smile and put it all behind, pretend that it doesn't feel like you are dying inside.

All the damn time.

And if not, I was weak and helpless.

So I smile. For my friends, for May, for the Avengers. I smile all the damn time and I am tired. I'm tired of being ok and happy. I am tired of everyone thinking I was always alright.

Because why wouldn't I? I had a family, I was a hero. I had everything I could want. Except I didn't have what I needed. I needed to cry and scream. I needed to let go and just be human, not a smiling piece of plastic.

But I couldn't, how could I? May needed me, Ned and MJ, the people I save. They need me to smile because they couldn't. They needed someone to rely on. And that was me, it was always me, and that made me happy, but you can only be happy for so long.

So now, its time for me to scream, cry, and let go. Because words do hurt, they hurt so much. It feels as if someone is dragging a knife over your heart, even if strangers say them. Because inside, in the back of your mind, you believe it. You believe that you don't matter and that this is ok, you become numb to it.

So yes, words can hurt, more than broken bones or bullet wounds, more than being crushed under a building. Be careful of what you say, because they do matter. They matter a lot and no one cared about the words thrown at me.

I left because I couldn't smile for the camera anymore, I left because I couldn't take it. Being ridiculed for wanting to scream and cry. I left because I didn't think I had any other option. I left because I couldn't take it anymore.

But there are people who it isn't too late for. There are people who are still here and are able to be saved. Instead of ignoring the insults, stand up and stop them. Let yourself scream, cry, and not be ok. Because being alive isn't just smiling and always being happy, it's about letting yourself feel when you are in pain and reaching out for help, even if I couldn't do that.

I'm sorry.

~ Peter B. Parker-Stark"

The world seemed to stand still as these words left the mouth of Pepper Potts, as the pain of a seventeen-year-old kid was revealed. The world stood still, as the words and meanings sunk in. And it wasn't just his family mourning him that day, it was the world. The world who didn't know how much the boy was hurting, the world who thought he was fine because he smiled.

Sometimes it's the people who smile the most that are in the most pain.

Sorry it's a sad and short one, and not on Monday. I've been in a bit of a mood recently and just wanted to get some things out. I kind of use this as a form of therapy, getting it all out and not bottling it up inside. Anyway, thanks for reading if you did.

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