Becoming Intern Part Three

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It was not what I thought. I anticipated people dressed in suits and nice clothes. What I was met with was a bunch of people dressed in either sweatpants or jeans in t-shirts or sweatshirts rushing around in a panic. It seemed more like a college dorm during finals week then one of the most advanced facilities in the world. I stare around dumbly and only startle when someone bumps into me on their way out the door.

"Sorry," I say but she's gone before I even start speaking.

I spot the front desk and see that there's a man sitting there in a suit, seeming to be the only one formally dressed. I make my way to the desk while dodging people with stacks of paper, tools, and machine parts.

"Um, excuse me? I'm here for the first day of my internship? I'm a bit early but was told it would be fine," I say and he laughs.

"No need to worry. I was told to expect you and bring you to your work space. Just give me a moment to call in my replacement," He says and I nod.

I look around the lobby and soon a woman in stiletos comes clicking up to the desk. The first man and woman talk for a few moments before she sits in the chair and the man walks around the desk.

"Sorry about that Peter. We can go up now," The man says and I nod.

"Uh, sorry but what is your name?" I ask and the man laughs.

"Nate," The man says and I frown.

"How long have you been working here?" I ask.

"Since I was in my freshman year of college, about eleven years. Nothing goes on in this place without me knowing. I might even know more than Mrs. Stark about this tower," Nate says and I continue frowning.

"Don't worry, not everyone knows as much as I do," Nate says and I nod.

Good, let's hope he didn't know as much as he thought he did. It would be disastrous if I was exposed for being an enhanced that didn't sign the accords, even worse if they find out I am a wanted vigilante.

"Are you ok? You just went pale," Nate says and I nod.

"Just thinking," I say and absently rub the large burn mark on my arm.

When I was first bitten, it must have gotten infected or something. At first, it was red and angry and then it started to turn black. By that point, I had already been started to experience my powers so I knew what was going on. I couldn't have gone into the emergency room. By that time Ross had already started taking enhanced in for 'questioning' but no one came back. I had read you could burn an infection out so I did. Heated up a pan and pressed it into my skin. Hurt like a B but the blackness went away and I got better. Now I only had a scar from between my thumb and finger to halfway up my forearm.

"Are you sure you're ok? You look a bit sick. You can leave for the day and come back another day if you need to," Nate says and I shake my head.

"I'm sure, I think I just had a weird breakfast," I say and Nate hessenitently takes my word.

"Do you know what you are going to be working on?" Nate asks and I shrug.

"Dunno, I'll be working in R&D. I was told that I would be a flout intern? Not quite sure what that is exactly but told I would be moving around from project to project and around fields," I say and Nate frowns.

"What do you mean? Normally an intern has one project they work on and they certainly don't move around the fields," He says and I shrug.

"On the test, I did pretty well in a few areas. Harley told me that I would be moving around until I either found a field I liked more or that I was better at than the others," I say and Nate really frowns.

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