Power Pt.3

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Jacob POV

I was in the cafeteria holding Shayla. She fainted out of pain. Idk why tho. I'll find out soon. But right now i'm gonna take her to the nurse. Because she might wake up and get scared. So I get up and picked Shay up bridal style and walked to the nurse. I could tell all the girls and gay people were upset because she gets attention. Well all u ungrateful people don't know that she actually my...


Lau- Don't finish that sentence Jacob.

Jac- Oki! I won't.

Lau- Good now hurry and take her to the nurse. Or else.

Jac- Yes sir. But one question.

Lau- What? *Growls*

Jac- Is this beast i'm talkin to?

Lau(beast)- Yes. Why? U scared?

Jac- A Lil.

Lau(beast)- Good cause right now I really want to see blood and my baby perfectly fine right now. U got that?

Jac- Yea. I got it. See u later.

Lau- Oki.

Jac- Bye.

Lau- bye.

End of thoughts

In the nurses office

Shayla POV

I woke up in the nurses office. Were Sam, Len and Teo were standing waiting for me to wake up. Teo was the first to see me awake. He walked up to me and helped me up. Once I was sitting up I hugged Sam and Len. Then I hugged Teo. School was about to end in 2 minutes so I got my stuff and we left the nurses office and into the court yard. That's were I saw my brothers and Jacob.

I was happy that they know each other I think. Because as we were walkin down the steps we saw Laurent choking someone so we rushed over to them. I ran over and grabbed Lau and turned into Dark crescent real quick. Once he was turned around me and Laurent resealed. We didn't stop until he came to his sinces.

Lau:" Shay?"

Shay:" Here." I say sarcastically.

Lau:" U fool why u do that. I could've hurt u." He said at the Verge of crying.

Shay:" I know. But u didn't and u couldn't cause beast won't kill Dark crescent easily. He loves her."

Lau:" Yea he does but he goes out of control and really kill people. More like break a few bones and ribs the hospital time. But he could have."

Shay:" Yea. I don't care. At least u Oki." I say as I get up breathing heavy like Lau. "By the way who were choking?"

Lau:" Ayo then Jacob."

Shay:" Oh...Oki?... I'm tiers can we go home now?" I say going to Larry.

Lar:" Sure."

Sam:" Can me and Len come to?"

Lar:" Sure thing Sam."

Sam(blushes):" Thank u."

Lau:" No prob. U guys are welcome any time. Cause any friends of Shayla is a friend of ours." He smiled at them.

Len:" Oki." He smiled.

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