Be Mine

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Lau/Lar POV (The Next Day)

That night was crazy. (Lar)
It was very amusing too me. (Lau)
But really irrigating as well. (Lar)
Yea, True. (Lau)
Is she really that nieve? (Lar)
Now she is. Probably because of the way we've been acting towards her. (Lau)
Might be? (Lar)
We need to change our attitude towards her. (Lau)
Yea, we do. But how... (Lar)
Idk? (Lau)

Anyways right now were at school on our 4th period class (English). We were learning about how to write a paragraph for a book project were doing in a few weeks. But we couldn't help but think because we were to busy looking over at bébé and Ajax form time to time. It would be one of us paying attention while the other looks from the corner of there eye or something so we wouldn't get caught.

Right now Lau is taking notes for the both of us. We do this a lot when one of us don't feel like doing anything or something like that. I was looking through the corner of my eye. I was still paying attention kinda but not fully. So the teacher wouldn't notice. But then smiled at what i saw next. Bébé and him holding hands. That's when I heard Lau whisper something.

Lau:" I knew they would get together."

Lar:" Me too." I said smiling at my twins comment.

I then laied my head on his shoulder until the bell rang. Cause after this period were going to lunch. That's were going to meet the girls. Shayla goes wait for Missy and Isabella by there lockers (Which are right next to each other cause they sisters). Then they'll come to the cafeteria together. But its only the second day of school.

That's when the bell rang and me and Lau got our stuff and went to the cafeteria. I held his hand cause I had this bad felling in the pit of my stomach. I could tell Laurent had it to cause we both made the same face. Then I felt a presence behind us but it was to familiar. I turn around to see bébé looking at us with worried faces. The next thing we knew we were teleported to were our girlfriends were but sepretly. But I needed Laurent next to me and he needed me to.

Right now I'm with Dark Crescent seeing my girlfriend Missy having sex with someone from the basketball team. I screamed making them looking at me and Dark Crescent weirdly. Then the next thing I knew I was with Larry and bébé. I hugged all three of them so tight. Then I saw Ajax and hugged him to. After we did that we went to the cafeteria and ate lunch together.

Both Twins/Beast:" Today there's gonna be blood sheed. So y'all better watch out. QUICK"

After school

Ying POV

Me and Yang were at Shayla's house, With our brother Yong. We were waiting for her brothers to get back from what they were doing. But it was boring until her "Friend" Ajax put on Borrowed Time By- Michl. I loved this song so much. So I started dancing to it because it was my favorite.

Play Song

When I started dancing Shay took an Instagram video of me dancing. Matter of fact she took an insta video of all of us dancin. We had a lot of fun dancin to it and we still are. But instead of us just dancin alone we teaching each other a couple of dances were gonna do, because as were dancing were gonna rotate in a circle so we can take turns then do a freestyle.

Then the door bell rang and so Ajax went to go open the door. What we saw was horrifying by no means, we was scared sh!t less. But it was alright tho I guess cause we crazy stuff like that all the time. Anyways, Shayla's twin brothers were covered with blood and they were moving kinda slow towards Shayla holding hands. Their afros were matted down with blood and they were crying and a little moaning as well.

Shayla POV

My brothers were walking in like they just did something stupid and they probably did. But as long as they were Oki. It is 12:00 am right now and its pouring as hell outside. John is at his Mom's house because of somethin important. They were walking kinda like zombies. They were coming towards me to begin with. But that's what they did when Mama wasn't there they came to me. Since Mama isn't with us they'll have to come to me. The only thing to keep all 4 of them calm. (If u count both of there beast) is to talk to them calmly, like a mother figure or a father figure.

When they were in front of me they automaticly went to their knees and put there heads on my shoulder. I held them close and brought there faces up to meet my eyes. Right then and there Dark Crescent came out.

D.C:" What happened my babies?" She said calmly but almost quite.

L.B:" We did something bad, sis." He said scared trying to look away. But I gripped his face telling him to look at me.

C.B:" They might come for us. We don't want to leave u. I- I... Forgive us please? We no mean it." He said crying and shaking at the same time.

D.C:" Its alright my brothers i'll protect u,okii?" I said sternly but still calm.

Ca Blaze/Lil Beast:" Yes Ma'am."

Dark Crescent:" Good. Now let's take a shower, ur all dirty." I said helping them up and walking them down the hall to the bathroom.

Lau/Lar:" Yes Ma'am." They said in half form.

40 Minutes Later

They were done talking a shower and are now on the couch on ether side of me. Laurent is on my left and Larry is on my right. They also have their heads in my lap laying down. But I wonder if they know about me and Ajax? I guess we'll find out tonight.

Shayla:" Do y'all know about me and Ajax dating?" I asked picking with there hair.

Both Twins:" Yes!" They said tiredly.

Shayla:" Oki."

Ying/Yang:" Its time for us to go home, we'll see u tomorrow Shay. " They said getting up.

Ajax:" Me too." He said getting up as well.

Shayla:" Oki. I'll see u guys tomorrow. Bye." I said waving as they walked out the door.

I smiled at how today went but then frowned at the recent event, that wasn't even an hour ago yet. But then John walks through the door with a bag. I didn't dare ask and nether did he about what's wrong with my brothers. I did smile when he put everything down and came over to us. He kissed my forehead and dapped up Larry and Laurent.

John:" We sleeping out here tonight?" He asked me.

Shayla:" I guess so, it depends on how they feel." I said pointing to them.

John:" We sleep out here, boys?" He said squatting so they can be eye level.

Both Twins:" Yes." They said not moving at all.

That's when john got up and went to go get pillows and blankets for us. He was gone and back less then 4 minutes. But I guess that what happens when u have twin friends who have weird habits and emotions sometime. U'll get used to it sooner or later growing up with them. The next thing I knew is that we were laying down together staring at the ceiling. The next thing I hear is somethin wonderful.

Twins:" Bébé we love u and we'll do anything for u, so anything u do we'll support something's but not every thing." They said before starting to drift off to sleep.

Shayla:" Same here Bambam's same here." I said doing the same.

John:" Good Night Guys!" He said yawning after.

The Three Of Us:" Good Night John."

Authors POV

What they didn't know is that Jamie is outside watching there every move. But mostly the twins. He is getting revenge. Or is he getting something else.

To Be Continued...

A/N: In the ending I couldn't remember the guy who killed Mama B, Sam and Len in one of the chapters so I used Jamie. If anyone remembers then can u comment who it was.

Thanks for reading 💖💖

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