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8 Am The Next Morning

Shayla POV

I woke up in my bed and I realized were I was. I wasn't at our home with Mama anymore. I was with my brothers and John. I guess i've got to be strong because Mama, Sam and Len would want me to. So I'm gonna do just that. Right now i'm trying to get up but i'm still kinda weak from last night. When I was fully up I saw John by the window looking out into the morning sky. That's when I found the strength to get up and go to him.

Once I was close enough to John I let my legs give in. I smiled as I was falling because I knew I was still sleepy and I wasn't having a mental breakdown with my legs. I guess he saw me cause when I was about to fall he caught me just in time. I looked up at him and nodded. He helped me sit in his lap just in case I fell again, we looked out the window awhile. I couldn't help but cry at the sight off the beautiful place below us. Then we heard the door open. We turn to see Lau and Lar walk in with small smiles.

I tried to walk again but was put onto someone's back instead. I didn't mind at all being carried I juts wish they would treat me like i'm twelve about to be thirteen in a couple of months. Well....Technically next year cause i'm a summer baby. So yea, that's helpful a lil I guess. Then I heard Lau's voice. It was calm.

Lau:" Good Morning Princess." He said setting me down at the table.

Shay:" Good Morning Pops." I said smiling.

Lau:" How u sleep?" He chuckled a Lil when I called him that. He knew I was joking.

Shay:" Good. What about u?" I said now looking out the window already knowing the answer.

Lau:" It was Oki. I had a nightmare. But I fine now. Thank u for asking." He said holding my hand. I looked from the window to our hands then the marble counter.

I steard for a while until i heard something that caught me off guard. I look up to see a angry but scared Larry and a worried Lau. So I left them alone and looked to see John by the window again. I got up smiling knowing that my legs want to work for me now.

It took me awhile of stumbling but it'll be Oki. Once I got over to him I sat down next to him and laied my head on my shoulder. I was wondering if there is actually hope out there. I asked him out of cieriosity.

Shay:" Is there really hope out there?" I ask not caring if my brothers heard me.

John:" Of course there is but only if u believe their is." He said calmly then I thought he would.

Shay:" Well...I don't know if I believe in hope anymore. I don't think I believe in anything but dragons and our inner Beast. What about u? " I say looking him in the eye.

John:" I believe in hope but only on somethings more then others. But I won't judge u because u don't. I love u no matter because u like my Lil sister so i'll do anything to help protect u like ur brothers." He said looking at me like i'm transparent.

Shay:" Oki. Thanks for the information." I say hugging him.


Larry POV

I'm in the car with bébé sleeping in the back seat. We are at the school for Shayla to be inrolled into. We already went to the high school for me and Lau to in roll into. I was surprised they were expecting us. But I guess that's normal for That school. I don't really care tho. Anyways I got board and I turned on the radio up loud so I won't think think as much. I put the radio on 93.3 because nothin was really on except for commercials.

5 minutes later

I heard a groan from the back seat and it scared me. I forgot bébé was back there. So I turned the radio down and looked to see if she was Oki. When I turned around I saw a mad but scared Shayla. So I claimed into the back seat and hugged her. A couple of minutes later I heard her mumble somethin but I don't know what so I asked her.

Lar:" Bébé,What did u say?" I asked lifting her head up softly so I can hear her better.

Shay:" I said I don't want to die so soon, because he says so." She said putting her head into the crack of my arm and body.

"What's going on with our family?" I thought to myself hugging her tight.

To Be Continued...

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