My Past

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Shayla's POV (Age~3)

Everyone was still asleep except for Lau. He seemed to have somethin on his mind. Its 6 in the mornin, so the only person who usually is awake is Mama B. But right now she is peacefully resting in meditating position. It was quite for a while until I heard someone hum. It was so peaceful that I sang along with who ever was humming.

I look down noticing it was Larry. He was humming a familiar song. I could tell I scared him because he jumped a lil at my voice when I started singing along.  But then I felt pain and I yelled. For some reason I was frustrated when I felt the pain. It went through me like a heat wave and it kept comin.

When one would stop another would start. It would get worse every time a new one comes. And every time one comes my body would move up like i'm having a Cesare. But I ain't tho. That's the problem right now and its ridiculous.

When I first yelled everyone julted up like it was a fire. Then they realized somethin was wrong cause I kept yelling cause I was in pain. But at first they thought i was yelling for no reason but now they were rushing to see what it was. That's when mama came in I  reached out for her as the pain was getting worse.

"Mama, It hurt... Ahhhhh..." I yelled as my back felt like ripping apart.

"Hold on baby, were gonna get you help Oki?" She said as Larry picked me up.

" Mami, no...Ahhhh... Stay pwease I want mama..." I yelled as I was being carried off from my mother not knowing what was happening.

Lar: " Shhh bébé, u Oki. Me and Lau got u Oki no cry please. " 5 year old Larry said starting to cry.

Lau:" Aye, calm down lar we need to be brave for sissy Oki." Lau said putting me on his back as Larry held his shoulder.

                               ~Time Laps (Play Song)~
Laurent POV

Doctor:"Some one give me numbing medicine and a table." The guy said as he took my lil sister away from me.

Shay:" Ahhhh... Lau hwlp mW please. It hurts. Wau." She sobbed as I ran to get her hand but it was too late the doctor was already behind the door.

I tried to get to her but I was held back by my older brother's. I fought my way to her but it was hopeless to try. But I had to it was killing me to see my 3 year old sister hurt like that. I started to panic and cry because I couldn't get to her.

Lau: " I want to see my sister. Let go. *gasp* She needs me. *gasp*" I said grabbing my shirt tightly clawing at my chest.

As I was doing that I turned to my twin. What I saw was horrifying. He was throwing up and gasping for air while crying none stop. So I ran to him and put my hand under his chin. He looked at me with teary eyes. I did the same and we both hugged and our wings opened and wrapped around us.

Beast/Blaze:" We Will Never Let Harm Get To U Both Because We Are Your Protectors And Brothers. We Will Also Protect Shayla." They said in unison.

The next thing I knew everyone was turning black and I fell holding Larry in my arms. But before I was completely consumed I saw her. DARK Crescent.

"I wove u sissy and Larry. I vow to protect u both with my life. So don't leave me until then cause I need u both here to keep me going. Cause when I hit my last breath that's when i'll be at peace. So please, please don't leave." Then it was dark.

                                  ~Present day (Pause Song)~

Ghost Jessica:" What u mean? Boy shut your dumdum pickle head ahh' look self up. The only reason i'm here is because of E's chubby self wanted me to come along."

Eston:" What up fellas?" He said smiling with his hands in his pockets.

Lau/Lar:"ESTON!" They yell excitedly as they jumped on him.

Eston:"Whoa boys. Don't forget i'm getting old." He said as they get off of him and looked at him with a smile.

Both:" No you ain't fool you the same age as us." They said laughing.

E:" True!" He chuckled.

"Ahhhhh." They heard someone scream from twins left and Eston/Ghost Jessica's right.


With that they ran towards the sound and tried to get there before anything happens to the lil girl. But will they make it in time? Or will Dark Crescent Burst through and go wild with rage?

                         To Be Continued...

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