Tour pt.2/2

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A/N: {This chapter is the continuous of part 2.}
3 hrs later

Laurent POV

We are in the car on the way to the destination the guy told us to meet at. Larry texted him telling him we were on our way to the spot. The guy texted back kinda angry because I guess he didn't expected us to come so early. Well that's because when u have buissness to take care of or a career then u need to be on time or late, make people laugh, mistakes, love and more. So this guy messing with my lil sister and manager was a bad move, cause if u mess with anyone I love or care about U'll get FUCKED UP. But I think I was a lil to into my thoughts because I almost passed the spot were we supposed to meet and probably hit the car in front of us, if Larry hadn't moved the wheel causing us to move/swerve then the 4 of us would've been in the hospital. Anyways, we was here at the construction sight. The guy was late or let me say we was early. It was okay cause we had had time to think about a plan and a back up plan just in case he try somethin stupid. The reason I don't call the "Guy" by his name is because it don't really matter to me so I just say guy.

Larry:" Lau... Stop thinking cause u causing me to fumble on my thoughts." He said looking at me dead in the eye. While messing with his hands telling me he was nerves.

Lau:" Sorry Larry... I'm just anxious and angry also a lil nerves. Cause this never happened to one of us before. Or should I say in a while to be honest." I said looking away from my twin looking out the window.

Lar:" That's true but, doesn't mean stress ur self about it. Talk to me when u like this, okay?" He asked  moving his shaky hand to my face making me look at him.

Lau:" Okay bro. I just like thinking in my head more. Remember when we were younger I used to think a lot about stuff because I didn't know if it was right or wrong so I would scramble my brain and it would become to much for me to handle and we both would start hyperventilating because I was stressing myself to much." I say laughing a lil at those moments.

Lar:" Yea I do. I don't want u doin that more cause if u do then pretty sure were gonna have to get u a therapist... Again if u start up once more." He said staring at me worried but suspiciously.

Lau:" I won..." I started before NICK and his brother Josh came and honked the horn.

I could tell there were 2 other guys in the back of the car but I couldn't tell who it was. So Me, Larry, Ayo and Teo got out the car and started walking half way to meet them.

Josh POV

We pulled up to the construction sight and saw Laurent and Larry in the car with Ayo and Teo. They were talking about somethin but we didn't know cause we got her a few minutes late. So Nick dumb azz honks the horn while Lau was in the middle of sayin somethin. They looked at us with a glare especially Lau. Then we saw them get out the car to me us half way. But nick wanted me to stay by the car so I wouldn't get hurt. Once he got out the car, Me and my cousin's got out the car and popped the trunk. I grabbed Shayla bridle style while Mike and Lucia helped Eleni out of the trunk. I was surprised that Eleni did fall asleep and got some rest. But its non of my buissness to know why. As we walked over to my brother and everyone else, Shayla starts talkin and opening her eyes.

Shayla:"  Lau? Where's my brother, Joshua?" She said more awake and a lil scared.

Josh:" Its okay, He's right here. I'm taking u too him so don't worry. Nothings gonna happen, if it does i'll help protect u." I say calmly trying not to scare her.

Shayla:" Okay. Thank u." She said with a half smile as she looked at me with half opened eyelids.

Once we reached everyone I went directly over to Laurent first cause that's who she asked for. My cousin's took Eleni to Larry. I could tell that they all wanted to cry but they held it in except for Lau. When he saw Shay he immediately cried as he touched her face. She smiled weakly as she creased his hand. I put her on her feet gently but holding on to her waist just in case.

Lau:" How are u my sweet baby?" He asked like he was her mother.

Shay:" Fine baba... In pain but Fine." She said now stepping in front of me and putting her arms out trying to protect me.

Lau:" I get it. I'm not gonna hurt the boy. Okay sweetheart." He said now acting like her father.

Lar:" Lau u gotta stop doing that." Larry said shaking his head slowly at his brother.

Lau:" Do what? All i'm doing is talking to her." He said not getting what he did.

Lar:" Ur personality switch, Remember Lau?" He said looking at his brother almost deathly.

Lau:" Oh right. I forgot about that."  *Laughs Nervously*

Lar:" Mmmhmm.." He said with a lil attitude.

Shayla started laughing at them. I smiled as I see her smile. But then she stopped and looked at Larry and nodded for me to move with her. As we made our way to Larry, Eleni went to Lau. Once we were standing before Larry she kissed him and he kissed back hungrily. But soon they let go and she smiled at him.

Shay:" Joshua, Can I get on ur back?" She asked innocently.

Josh:" Sure."

Nick:" No ones doin nothin." He said very angry while taking off the safety to his gun.

I turned around and looked at him mad. I know he didn't just do that. He told me he'll never shoot me what ever the coast. But I guess I was wrong. My own brother is willing to shoot me over a ransom. That's Bull****...... I started to teared up as I walked up to him making him point the gun at my chest.  He looked a lil shock at my movement but he looked hurt as well. I signaled everyone else to go and leave but I heard no movement.

I looked over my shoulder and saw them all in beast mode. Which made me smile at them sadly. Then I turned back to my brother and saw he did the same. I smiled and changed too. My beast has wings so when ever i'm in danger they glow a bright yellow when its near. I know its doing it right now but I'm not really paying attention to it.

Joshua:" Nickalice its okay u can do it. I don't mind at all. At least i'll be in a better place." I said as tears fell down my face.

Nickalice:" I don't wanna do it. Please don't make me please. I love u too much to do this." He said crying as well.

Joshua:" Please don't cry big brother, please." I said whipping his tears away.

Nickalice:" I can't help it... I don't wanna do this, I don't. U the only person that I can trust and talk to." He started before I took the gun and shot myself in the head.

Joshua:" I love u NICK..." I said before I was gone again.

Laurent POV

Nickalice:" NOOOOOOOO... Joshua. Please come back... Don't leave me. I need u here with me. I love u so much don't go. I actually have a crush on u, I had it for a while now. That's why I always care for u. Ever since u were born I knew u were special. So did mama before she died. I want u to stay. Baby please come back to me."  He said crying in front of us.

Lau:" Why did u do those things to him?" I asked him on my knees with tears comin down my face.

Nick:" I was trying to protect him. I guess I was wrong... I just thought leaving him in the forest would tough him up and boxing would help him defend himself. But it didn't. It only caused him pain. Its my fault he died this." He said as he  picked up his brother and brought him to Shayla.

Shayla:" Thank u Nick. I'll do it for u no need to say anything. And yes i'll send u there with him as well. Okay?" She said smiling slightly.

Nick just nodded and looked at the rest of us. We all nodded and so he. So then Shayla portaled him to the police station after casting fire on them both so they can be together.

To be continued...

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