Extra(s) #2

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I forgot I wrote some stuff in my journal a few months ago so here's one of the 2 story's I wrote in the book. If nobody likes it oh well then this is the end of the Extra(s). Bye 👋

Friday the 13 special

Eleni: "Hey Larry, where's Lau?" She asked

Larry: "Yeah, he's using the restroom." He said coming down the hall.

Eleni: "Can you get him we almost late." She says looking at her watch.

Larry: "Okay be back soon." He says running back down the hall.

Eleni: "Hurry up tho, OK!" She yells after a disappearing Larry.

Today is Friday the 13. October 13, 2014, too be exact. The twins or Les Twins are getting ready for a "good" night. But there's gonna be a few bumps and brushes along the way. So let's begin tonight's story telling.... Shell we? Right now the Les Twins are in Paris, France. There is gonna be a Halloween party downtown. But Laurent's having some problems right now. Let's go check on him!

Laurent: "Fine!" My knee feels busted. "What did I do to my knee today?" He whispers to himself.

*Knock* *knock*

Lar: "Yo Lau, you alright in there?" Lar asked his twin.

Lau: "Yeah, I'm fine. I coming out now." He says opening the bathroom door.

Lar: "Okay, good cause we late." He said helping his brother out with his knee.

Lau: "okii bro." He says falling asleep on Larry's shoulder for some reason.

Larry's POV

I found Lau in the bathroom and now he's asleep on my shoulder. What's going on with him today? What ever it is, it isn't normal for him at all.

Larry: "Found him in the bathroom. We can go to the club now." I say as I walk towards her while trying to hold up Laurent.

(Car ride + Authors POV)

Lau: "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Laurent yelled waking up outta his sleep.

Lar: "Lau, breathe okay?... Why u screaming bro?" Larry asked looking up from his phone.

Lau: "Sorry I had a nightmare.. I think it was? Anyways, we almost at the club?" He asked calming down a little.

Eleni: "Yeah, we pulling up right now actually." She said looking out the window.

Lau: "Alright, here we go." *sigh*

As they get out the car a man in a hoodie is watching them in the distance. Laurent looked behind him but saw nothing but cars, behind, and trees. But one things for sure something's comin their way


That's a little of what I have. Hope u guys like it. Peace ✌

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