The Worst In The World (WWE and CM Punk Love Story)

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 I hate my life. It stinks. Really. You're the family downer in my family.

 Nobody likes me. Well, it's not my fault if I like Evanscence and all that stuff. Well, I'm not really into those hardcore screaming bands but I like music from Evanscence because she has a beautiful voice and the music is awesome.

 In my family, it's nothing but screeching bass and guitar.

 "Turn that down!" I heard my mom yell at me when I blasted up my iPod in the car. She gets annoyed at me for this but they have their music up so much that I can't listen to my own music.

 I can't even escape to my own world without them bothering me and asking me about my life and stuff.

 "Sernalina, turn that music down," my adopted brother, Lukas, yelled at me for the fifth time.

 I was in my room, listening to my music as usual. When I'm bored, I listen to my music. If I'm not doing that, I'm playing my video games, reading books or watch TV.

 I can't go out with my own friends because my family is moving all the time. I actually made real friends at California but now things suck that I moved to Chicago, Illionois or whatever you call this place. I know there's Annalynn, who greeted me on my first arrival at Chicago West High (I'm a senior and 17) but I know there's a chance that I'm going to move.

 I have no idea why Mom and Dad moved us here. I even feel bad for Aunt Cecelia "Celia". She had to move in with us due to the fact that she couldn't find work. Her husband, our "step-uncle" (her first husband died), had to come with her too.

 Our family is big but not that big enough (let's see: there's me, Mom, Dad, Lukas, my adopted little sister, Candice; Mom couldn't have any more kids after me; Aunt Celia, my step-uncle, Willhelm, my two cousins, Ryandor and Milly, and my hamster, Peanut, my dog, Bella and my cat, Charmmy Night (after Charmmy Kitty).

 Yeah, so big, but not that big.

 Chicago is a great city but to me, NOT that great. I mean, yeah, the lake is beautiful but it's not like the beaches back in California. (And yes, I went to Florida and the beaches there are great much as the ones in the East Side but I can't stand humid weather and the coldness up in the East too.)

 At least in Chicago, there's malls I can go to.

 So my life totally sucks. Well, the moving sucks a lot.

 "Sernalina, are you getting ready?" Mom asked me.

 "I'm fine, Mom," I said.

 "Please, don't tell me you're wearing that dreaded black dress," Mom said, coming up to my door.

 I rolled my eyes.

 Mom doesn't like it when I wear black. She even cringes when the black has dark pink on it.

 Mom came into my room.

 "Please, put on something else," Mom hollered at me.

 "I want to wear this though," I growled, picking at my black dress.

 Mom sighed. "Alright then. It's not my fault if our guest is frighten by you."

 Mom has this joke thing saying that if I wear black, I "frighten" people.


 Our guest is from our step-uncle's side of the family. He's suppose to be this famous guy but if he's famous how come I don't hear him on TV a lot?

 So he's going to be my step-cousin or something.

 I have to dress all formal to meet him. Yeah, right.

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