Chapter 16

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 When I woke up the next morning I had two things on my mind: pool and a bathing suit.

 Today was the day of going to Punk's pool.

 I rummaged throughout the drawers, trying to find the one.

 I mostly have one pieces. There's nothing wrong with two pieces but for some reason, I can't stand showing my belly.

 I ran through my drawers some more and found my black and white one piece from Calvin Klein.

 I decided to put this one on.

 I laid it on my bed and raced downstairs.

 I spied Candi eating her cereal.

 "You ready for Punk's pool today?" I asked, pouring myself some cereal.

 "Of course!" Candi screamed. "I can't wait to get him wet!"

 I smiled and looked around. "Where is everybody?"

 "They went to the store to get some stuff for the pool today."

 "Oh. Did Punk go with them?"

 "I'm not sure. They say they'll be back at 11."

 "What time did they say we'll be going to the pool party?"

 "Mm, I think they said 12? Or 2?"

 "Either one does sound good."

 "I want to go at 12."

 "12 it is then. What time is it?"

 "I think about 9."

 "At least we got some time to get ready in case we're going at 12."


 "Wait, did Lukas go with them?"

 "No. Lukas said he wanted to sleep some more."

 "Sleepyhead," I said. "Well, let's just wait for the ok for Punk's pool."

 "You bet!"

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