Chapter 3

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 So Sernalina has a hamster instead of a guinea pig. Her name is Peanut Squeaky. You really need to know this for this chapter!!!! :)


 "Candi, are you sure that those dancing moves are like that?" I asked Candi. Candi was showing me some new moves she learned from her dance school, only she was having some trouble, trying to figure out some of the patterns.

 "Wait," Candi said. "So I step over here...then I turn to my right..."

 I rolled my eyes. Candi was a good dancer, it's just that she sometimes completely forgets her dancing moves.

 I went over to Peanut's cage, as she crawled around in it. Nobody knows about Peanut's middle name which was Squeaky. The reason I called her that was because when I first got her all she did was squeak so I said to myself, her name's going to be Peanut Squeaky. Which is actually a funny name for a hamster but it is kind of cute at the same time. Peanut made sense though because her fur was this light brown fur and there was only a little white under her.

 Peanut put her paws on the glass of the cage, sniffing her nose in the air.

 "No, Peanut," I said. "Down girl. I don't want to lose you again."

 Peanut has her own ways of getting out of her cage. Before summer started, I came home from school one day and I noticed that Peanut wasn't in her cage. I became shocked and started to look around my room. Then I darted all over the whole house. I was about to cry until I heard a squeak come from the bathroom. Peanut was under the towels, trying to get out.

 "Peanut," I remembered crying out. "Don't you scare me like that again. I thought I lost you."

 From that day, I kept an eye on Peanut a lot. I even put this cardboard thing with holes in it so that way she wouldn't get out but so far she's been a good hamster.

 The cage isn't really nothing or whatever you call it that's home for the hamsters. It had the little stuff you had to put in for the hamster's cage and Peanut did have her own little wheel and water drink with her food by the side.

 I begged Mom to get me another hamster so Peanut wouldn't be alone and buy a bigger cage but Mom refused. Secrelty, Aunt Celia said she would buy one for me soon.

 Agh...the memory still dawned me on Punk being with us this week coming up. He won't be in his tour bus, going to Boston to New York. He won't be flying off to the headquarters just to model. No, he was going to stay here with us.

 Ugh. Just one thing that dawned on me still.

 "Remember, 7:30  I have the hip-hop class," Candi said as I laid on my bed, restless.

 It was bright outside. Today would be the perfect day to go out with Annalynn around the plazas but on Mom's account, we had to wait until Punk's shopping spree. And Annalynn's great-aunt, Roie, was coming down so Annalynn had to help her around Chicago.

 Roie was old and she was grouchy. She complained about girls, boys, pets, generally, everything. She argued that the food the schools serve are disgusting but they shouldn't let us out of campus. She argued that girls wear too much pink and boys should wear purple...yeah, she just goes off topics and tangents. Endlessly arguing about something. She even makes it up just to argue.

 "Yes, I know, we'll drop you off," I said, looking at Candi and switching my position on the bed.

 I glanced at Peanut. She was climbing up on her glass again. I yawned and closed my eyes.


 "Sernalina! Wake up!"

 I stood up straight.

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