Chapter 10

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 The lake in Chicago is beautiful.

 I loved it when Annalynn and my friends would take me over here to just relax after a long day of school. We would lay on the grass and watch the lake glint as the sun went down.

 Now it was the same thing again, only Punk was with us on the account of spending some "family" time.

 Apparently, some other people had the same idea as us because when we went down there, some other people already had their blankets down on the grass.

 "This looks like a good place," Willhelm said as we went to look for an area. Willhelm stood his feet on a lush grass area. The area he stood on showed a good view of the lake. It was a good area to see the sunset.

 As the adult set up the blankets, I raced down the grass hill area. I landed on the sand, watching the waves roll in and out.

 I took my feet out of my sandal and stepped it on the sand. The sand felt soft and plushy.

 I sighed. It wasn't the same sand at California or Miami. It was a different sand. This sand was Chicago style sand.

 I watched the waves roll in and out some more.

 "Beautiful, isn't it?" Punk said, coming up beside me.

 I jumped. "You scared me."

 Punk chuckled. "I didn't mean to."

 Punk turned back to the lake.

 "This is one of the things I like about here," Punk said. "The lake. It's so beautiful. You could see the sunset, the sand, the waves and you could also catch a glance at the city."

 He pointed to the city, nearby. "You should really see it at sunset and after that. It's really lovely."

 He sat on the sand.

 "Um, why are you sitting down?" I asked. "You're going to get sand in your pants."

 "I don't care," Punk said. "How about you sit down with me?"

 "No thanks," I said, preparing to go up the hill.

 Punk caught my legs and I fell down. "Oh geez. I didn't mean to do that. I meant..."

 I got up and brushed the sand off my cardigan. "You own me big," I said, shaking my head and looking at him.

 "I'll go get a towel," Punk said. He got up and went back to the main area.

 I got up and brushed off the sand. Man, it's hard when you got sand everywhere around you. At least if you get sand on yourself and it's on all watered, that's good because you could just rumble around until the sand comes off. Only if you have water on you with sand, you're pooped.

 I dusted off the cardigan and top.

 Punk came back with two towels and laid them on the sand.

 I laid on one and watched the waves more.

 "How long will it take to get to sunset?" I asked.

 Punk looked at his watch. "In a few," he said. "Already it's starting to get dark."

 We watched the waves roll in and out. After a few minutes, Celia called us and we went up to eat our sandwiches.

 "Wow, you're right," Punk said, as he sat his fruit juice cup down. "These are good, Celia. Your fruit juices are the best. Now, you should really try a banana smoothie I do."

 "Banana smoothie?" Candi asked, munching on her sandwich.

 "It's simple. I slice some bananas, take some scoops of vanilla ice cream, pour a little milk, let is blend and you got yourself a banana smoothie...or shake," Punk said. "I'll make it for you guys when we have pool day."

 After eating, the sunset time came.

 I raced back down to the towels and landed on mine, watching the sun set.

 Punk was right. It was lovely. The sky filled up with a pinkish-blue with purple clouds rolling by. I could spy the city getting ready to light up. I saw people all laughing and talking to one another. The sun glinted on the water, making it gleam like a diamond ocean.

 Now you didn't get this at California. Well, you do get the sunset but you didn't get the view of it with the city nearby.

 I watched the sun set itself down some more. I felt my eyes begin to shut. I yawned. I laid down on the towel and looked up at the sky.

 I then fell asleep.


 "Excuse me, Sleeping Beauty, but we need to go soon."

 I awoke to the sound of Punk's voice. I flashed my eyes open. I saw his face staring down at me.

 "Don't scare me like that...again," I said, getting up from the towel. I looked around. There were some people still but some left.

 The sun already setted. The sky was now a dark blue, almost near to the night time.

 "Is everyone still here?" I asked.

 Punk nodded. "They are. I just got caught up with chatting and realized that you weren't with us. So I went back over here to check on you."

 A breeze came whistling by.

 I shivered. Annalynn was right. Chicago was a windy city. It didn't matter if it was summer or winter. The wind would come by and you would shiver.

 "Do you want my jacket?" Punk asked. He prepared to take it off.

 "No," I said. "I'm fine. It's just a breeze, that's all."

 Another breeze came whirling by. I felt it blow on my skin and I shivered again.

 "Brr! Is Chicago always this cold?"

 "Not that much," Punk said, scooting closer to me. "Here. I can keep you warm."

 "No, really. I'm fine," I said, scooting away. I scooted until my hand touched the sand. Crap.

 Punk came up to me and put his arms around me, making me lean toward to him. I don't know why but I actually leaned forward to him on my own, making me closer to him. I mean, he did put his arms around me, making me go to him but I went to him without struggling, not fidgeting.

 I wrapped my hands around him, trying to keep warm.

 "Most of the breezes come from here," Punk said. "It's from the lake. Doesn't that happen in California too?"

 "Yeah, I heard that people get the ocean breeze from there," I said. "I use to remember going down there with my friends. I would feel the ocean breeze when we were about to go home."

 We laid next to each other, watching the sky turning to the dark night time soon.

 "I would come here and see the stars sometimes," Punk said, looking up at the sky. He turned to me. "I should show you them one day."

 I smiled and turned to him. "You know what? Maybe you should."

 "Phil! Sernalina!"

 Candi came racing down the hill.

 "What is it?" I asked, taking my arms off of Punk. Punk did the same.

 Ok, that was weird. It's like we didn't want Candi to know that we were touching each other. And not in a bad way. It's just that we were hugging each other.

 "It's time to go," Candi said. "Come on."

 So we folded our blankets up.

 Punk pushed me.

 "What was that for?" I asked, laughing.

 "I'm just bored," Punk said, shrugging.

 I attempted to push him back but he dodged by walking to the left and running up.

 I laughed and followed him, trying to attack him so that way I could at least get him back for pushing me on the beach.

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