Chapter 22

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"Where are you taking me?" I asked Punk for the fifth time.

 "We're almost there," Punk said.

 I couldn't see anything because Punk kept on clutching onto me and pulling me that I kept looking down at the ground and trying to catch up.

 "Ok, you can look."

 I looked up. My mouth gaped.

 I was looking up at the bright lights of downtown Chicago. It was beautiful.

 "Wow," I gasped. "This is what you wanted me to see?"

 Punk blushed. "Well, I just thought we should just take a little stroll together. You and me."

 I smiled. "Well, ok."

 So Punk took my arm and we walked, arm in arm, around downtown Chicago.

 It was nice to be with him...all alone.

 Please don't ask me why.

 I just felt giddy and happy to be around him.

 It felt like a burst of joyment entered my heart.

 I didn't know what was going on with the party still.

 Punk pulled me away from the party so fast I didn't have time to figure out what happened after the dance.

 I didn't care though.

 All I cared about was being with Punk, walking with him, side by side.

 I looked around at the lights and all.

 Shops everywhere had their lights on and even there were a few trees with lights around them.

 Maybe I was wrong about Chicago. It wasn't that bad.

 Ok, maybe I still prefer California but Chicago wasn't bad to visit when you're taking a vacation and want to go somewhere.

 The night sky was full of warm breezes.

 I saw other people walk by. Some were just by each other, walking. Others sometimes held hands.

 I wonder if me and Punk should hold hands.

 Wait, did I just thought of that?

 I guess Punk was thinking about something along the lines because he let go of my arm and held onto my hand.

 A little warmish thing entered my cheeks.

 Seriously, what was going on with me?

 Why did I have this urge to be with Punk?

 I never felt like this.

 What was going on with me?

 I brushed that out of my mind and just tried to concentrate on the scenery.

 I tried to watch others walk and look around at the lights of the dazzling shops.

 Then we came to this park.

 There were trees, grass and path ways for people to walk on.

 Punk led me to a bench and we sat.

 I sat down, exasperated.

 "So, you like Chicago now?" Punk asked.

 I nodded and scooted away from him. "Yes."

 Punk scooted closer to me. "I'm sorry to ask but...are you scared of me or something?"

 I shook my head. Man, why does he look so cute just sitting right there in front of me?

 Ok, what the heck is going on with me?

 Why do I hear "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King by Elton John buzzing through my head.

 Punk scooted more to me.

 "Um...did you like the party?"

 I nodded.

 "Are you just going to talk to me like that? Just nodding or shaking your head?"

 "No," I said. "I just...I don't know."

 What was going on?

 Punk got closer to me that he was touching my hand with his hand.

 "Would you like to come with me to the next Monday Night Raw show?"

 "Sure," I said. "Are we bringing the family over again?"

 "I was just thinking...can it only be me and you?"


 "I guess," I said. "Why only us though?"

 My heart started skipping. Why is it doing that?

 I felt myself starting to sweat. My hands got clammy. Did I feel this attracted to Punk?

 Oh please no. Wait, maybe I'm just nervous around him again.

 "I just...want to get to know you better. And...I want us to have some alone time."


 "Ok, um, I have to talk to my mom about it first."

 "I'm sure she'll let you go," Punk said, like he was certain of it.

 "Yeah, I guess," I said.

 Punk then put a hand around my face.

 "You're very lovely tonight," he said. He then smiled.

 Um...why did I feel a little...well, glad when I heard that?

 "Thanks," I said, blushing.

 My cheeks must be so red now.

 "Though I'm probably not as good as the Divas."

 "Why do you put yourself down so much?"

 "Because I'm the worst in the world. You're so...good. You're the best in the world. You have everything."

 I turned my head around. "I don't know."

 "I don't have everything."

 "Oh one thing? Let me guess. You don't have the Heavyweight belt of course."

 "I don't want the Heavyweight belt. I want you."

 What? WHAT?!

 "Why?" I asked, gulping. "I mean, is there something that you..."

 Punk leaned his head on my head.

 " about me."

 Punk smiled again. "I like you...a lot."

 He then kissed my lips.

 I felt jolts running down my arms. I swear I did.

 Why did this kiss feel so good? Why did I feel this urge to kiss him back?

 Punk must of felt something too because he then wrapped his arms around me.

 I started to kiss him back.

 Then I knew why Punk did this. It was all because of love.

 "You like me a lot?" I asked, giggling, breaking away from the kiss.

 Punk grinned. "I like you a lot."

 He then kissed me again.

 Then all I remembered was going to Punk's house with Punk being on top of me, kissing me as I was pushed against the guest bed.

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