Chapter 8

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 When I woke up, Punk wasn't by my side.

 Instead, I smelled waffles.

 I got up and looked around.

 Sunlight breezed in, making the room light up.

 I then went out the door and downstairs. I saw Candi, Lukas and Punk in the kitchen.

 Punk was surpsingly making waffles.

 "Morning, Sernalina," Candi said, her mouth stuffed with waffles. "You should try Phil's waffles. Mmm...they're good."

 "Candi, don't talk with your mouth full," Punk said.


 I sat down at a stool that faced the counter.

 "Eat up," Punk said, bringing me a plate of waffles and a glass of orange juice. He put it facing me and handed me a fork.

 I took the fork and ate a piece of waffle.

 Candi was right. Punk did make good waffles.

 "So, I have the family thing planned out," Punk said. "Before you guys got up today, I got up myself and went through a list of things that we could do over this week, since I don't want none of your being bored, alone at the house. I'm going to go over this with your parents today later."

 "What's the plan?" Lukas asked.

 "Plan is," Punk said, grabbing a banana and peeling it. "First off, today we go to the lake. We could just go and hang out there. Nothing fancy. Bring blankets and have a small picnic there."

 "I get what you mean," I said. "I think they use to have these free concerts at parks and people would come and bring their own things to watch it."

 "Something like that," Punk said. "Then Wednesday, is the shopping spree I promised Ser here. We'll be going around Chicago West Mills Mall. For Thursday, I really want you guys to go in the pool because I just know that you guys really want to go in it. Friday...I'll think of something on Friday. Maybe just walk around or something. Then Saturday is Zack's party and we're all going to that, no matter what you say. And Sunday...could just be another chill day I guess. Sounds like a plan?"

 We all nodded.

 "Good, I'll contact your parents later and see if they agree with me," Punk said, taking a bite out of the banana.

 "I can't really wait to go in your pool," Candi said. "Do you go in it?"

 "Sometimes," Punk said. "I usually hang out in it with my friends."

 "Are you going to take us back home to get ready?" I asked.

 "I was planning to head there at least by 5:00. I heard you can see the sunset from there. Well, not really but it's really beautiful at the lake when the sunsets."

 "Mom should make us those sandwiches when we went to that park one day," Lukas said.

 "Yeah, those sandwiches were good," Candi said.

 She turned to Punk.

 "Mom made these baloney sandwiches with cheese on wheat and they were good."

 "No mayo?" Punk asked.

 "Wait, no, it was ham and cheese sandwiches," Lukas said.

 "I remember," I said. "Did she grilled them...No, wait, she grilled the ham only. Punk, you have to try those sandwiches. They're really good."

 "Oh really?" Punk said. "Well, you should tell her to make some today for the lake."

 I smiled. "Will do."

 Candi then fired questions at Punk, asking him all about his WWE life: "Did you and Edge have a fight once?" "I can't really remember that." "What you mean by when you said to Stephenie you know where that hand went?" "Um, can we not talk about that." "Are you the best wrestler in the world?" "Yes, including entertainer, microphone holder and did I mention I once won Best Good-Looking Guy ever?"

 I laughed at this and couldn't help to not hold in my laughter.

 Even Lukas smirked at this and he started laughing too.

 "Man, I wish you were my brother, Phil," Candi said, putting her fork down. "It'll be so fun to hang out with you."

 "Well, just be glad I'm your cousin," Punk said.

 "Step-cousin," I reminded him.

 "Whatever," Punk said. "Now, put these plates away and get your asses ready. I don't want your Mom to yell at me saying that I'm a terrible babysistter."

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