Chapter 4

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 I was sending a message to Annalynn, telling her not to worry about Roie and to just probably stay in her room until she's gone when I heard Mom downstairs.

 "Kids, Phil wants to tell you guys something," Mom said.

 I stretched and went downstairs.

 Couldn't Punk tell us during dinner time?

 Unless he was so into the food.

 I went downstairs and sat down next to Candi.

 Punk was next to the TV as usual. He probaly thinks by blocking it, he can make all eyes focused on him. Smart.

 "May I have everyone's attention please," Punk said, acting like he was on a microphone. "This is an important annoucement. As you all know, I asked Vince if I could have this next coming up to spend it with you guys. Well, Vince agreed with this idea of course but he has one condition too, if I just do one show but I could invite my family to come with me and bring two or three of them with me backstage."

 "Oh, Phil, that's terrific," Aunt Celia said. "When is the show?"

 "On Monday," Punk said. "And it's going to be here in Chicago!"

 "Alright, Phil," Willhelm said. "This sounds like fun. Did Vince get us tickets?"

 "Here's four tickets," Punk said, handing them out. "I also have to choose two or three people to come with me backstage. Let's see..."

 He stared at us, intendedly, as if he was examining which person he should take backstage.


 Candi waved her hands up in the air.


 Lukas clapped her hands and put them in the air.

 "And Sernalina."

 My eyes widen in shock.

 "Me?" I asked. "Why me, Punk? I mean, take Candi and Lukas, yes, but I don't think I'll be such a good idea, on the account of some of the Superstars."

 "Don't worry about them," Punk said. "I can handle any of them if they have a problem with you."

 Yeah, the problem was that some of them are going to be so hot like John Cena that I'm probably going to end up fainting.

 "I'm just inviting you," Punk said. "If you don't want to come with me backstage, I can ask Vince for another ticket but it's your choice."


 I could go backstage with Punk and get to meet all the hot Superstars. Then again, I could see them up and front in the seating area.

 No. Backstage is better.

 "I'll take it," I said. "I'll meet some of your friends in there, right?"

 Punk nodded. "Yeah, which leads me to my next question. Would you kids like to go with me to the gym tomorrow?"

 I raised my brows.


 "It's just this gym I use to train over there when I got into wrestling. I just want to show you around. Nothing much. Are you going to take the offer?"

 "I would!" Candi said.

 "Count me in!" Lukas said.

 "Me too, I guess," I said. "Where is it?"

 "Just a little in downtown," Punk said. "So, everyone's good with this?"

 Everyone said yes and they started to ask Punk things like, would the kids be ok? And are you sure the Superstars won't have any problems with the kids?

 So I headed upstairs and went to my room.

 Annalynn left me a text.

 From: Annalynn

 Sent: 9:45 pm.

 Grr! I don't want to stay with old fart Roie. I have no problem with her but you know how she gets. "Annalynn, did I ever tell you about when I was little, shorts weren't worn back then? Or, Harold, did you know that boys had to say thank you or else? HELP!

 I laughed and sent her a message back.

 To: Annalynn

 Sent: 9:49 pm.

 Don't worry. I'm sure Roie won't be a pain in the butt. Just ignore what she says. We use to meet this woman in New York and she kept pestering, saying that this one girl was wearing her shorts too short and the girl's short was fine, there was nothing wrong with it. And don't get into an arguement with her. You know she'll want to win.

 I hit send and laid on my bed.

 I thought about the different Superstars and Divas I was going to meet.

 The only time I got close enough to a Superstar (well, sort of close) was Ted Dibiase. Ted was seeing this movie that came out and I gaped when I saw him in line. I wasn't sure if I should go up to him and say hi, so I left him alone.

 Now was the chance for me to meet him again.

 I looked at the door and heard the voices from downstairs still.

 Punk only invited me because he probably didn't want me to feel bad or anything. I mean, he must of still felt bad that I won't probably be able to go out with my friends as much so he's just making up these things to make it up to me.

 Which I appreciate the offer and all since Punk is really trying to be friends with me. And I have to be nice back since he just wants to spend some family time with us.

 At least I get to go backstage on Raw. And it's going to be live. And I can finally see Punk wrestle in action.

 And meet the hot Superstars.

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