Chapter 26

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 I waited by the back of the gym where Punk told me to go to.

 He came out of his tour bus.

 "What's wrong?" he asked.

 "My mom," I said, trying not to cry again. "She's blaming it all on me."

 "About what?"

 "About our love. I don't think I can handle this family any more."

 "Calm down, calm down. I don't think that running away isn't going to solve anything."

 "What else am I suppose to do?"

 "I'll just call Celia and tell her that you just need a break. That's all. I'm taking you to Milawakeeu with me just to go to the show and then I'm going to take you back."

 "I don't know if I can face her again."

 "Relax. Your mom just needs to chill. Let Celia talk to her about it and we'll be ok. Now hop aboard."

 I got on the bus and the driver drove us to Milawakeeu.


 Punk's tour bus was pretty big. When you entered the front, of course, you saw the driver's seat. Turn to your left and you saw more.

 There was this little seat row area and a TV with an Xbox 360. On the right side were 2 seats (one of them was Kofi's seat). When you walked down some more, there was a little kitchen on your right with cupboards, a counter and a refridgerator. On your left was a bathroom. Continue down more you had these 2 bunk beds all roped up against the wall. Go down some more and there was a shower on the left and another bathroom on the right. You then finally come to an end with a bedroom with a closet full of comics, a TV with another 360 and another closet (this time for clothes).

 I gazed in amazement and almost invesitgated the whole area.

 "Ok, let's not get all too wound up," Punk said as I began to open the cupboards.

 "How far are we from Milawakeeu?"

 "We'll be there in about 2 hours. Traffic is not much today."

 I sighed and sat on the seat row.

 "So who are you going up against today?"

 "They told me that I'm going up against Dolph Ziggler today. Oh and I have to do that whole you know thing about why I attacked John Cena."

 "Oh, yeah, because you attacked him last week."


 "So, are you the 'bad guy' now?"

 "Not necessarily. I mean, I guess that Vince just wanted something new so he told me I had to attack one of the wrestlers and act like the bad guy."

 "I see."

 We stood silent, probably wondering what will happen if we dare come back to Chicago.

 I began to worry if the fact that what if the whole world found out about us.


 Punk pushed me.

 I fell asleep on the seat row.

 "What? What happen?" I asked.

 "We're here," he said.


 Sorry, if this chapter was short. My battery was dying. :(

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