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"Who wants to crash the bar tonight?" Karen asked all of us as we were scattered all around her kitchen. 

I and Perrie were standing close to the stove. Harry was leaning on a counter as he ate a banana. Niall was going through the fridge. And Liam and Louis were sitting on the tall stools.

"I'm in," Liam said, shrugging.

"Yeah, me too." Niall agreed as well.

"I'm free, I'll pick you up, Louis?" Harry said as well, Louis nodding at his offer.

"I'll go too, as long as Zayn is feeling a little better," Perrie added.

"What about you, Ro?" Karen asks, pointing to me.

"Umm, I doing know, I have work tomorrow and," I stopped as Perrie interrupted.

", and, that's tomorrow, not today, Com' on Rose, please, have some fun!¡" Perrie begged.

Work wasn't just an excuse if I was late Kat would fire me right then and there. Kat Grayson, one of the powerful women in London. She was the CEO of Katco worldwide media. And I am her assistant... yay.

(A/n: Yes, I'm using Kat from 'Supergirl', but it's only because that's how I imagine it looking. And no, this story has nothing to do with Supergirl. And btw, this Kat obviously has different characteristics than the Kat in Supergirl, just letting you know hahaha - ps, in the show her name is Cat Grant, not Kat Grayson hahaha Xx ;)

The job didn't pay terrible, and although Kat could sometimes be a bitch... the job isn't that bad, it's ok. I have been working there for years now and I've grown to it, and If I lost my job, I don't know where I'd be.

And plus, It's not that I didn't want to go, it's just that I may have been avoiding some people.


I genuinely feel bad. I know the way he feels, but this morning just happened. It was all circumstances.

A part of me actually thinks about it. If he asked me out 4 years ago, I would have said yes. But, he never did. Then Charlie happen, and it was good, it really was, but, he had conferences here and conferences there. I never stopped loving him, but, things just didn't work out.

It's been about a year since we broke up and I haven't seen him since, and if I do see him, then, I don't know what will happen.

What if Harry asks me out, now?

What would I say?

He wouldn't.

"Ok, fine," I said, maybe I should go out before my busy week of work.


At 6:00pm.

So I decided on wearing a casual outfit to the bar. A small leather cardigan to go over my small, hot pink shirt, which was tucked in my leather tights. Some black boots to pair with the outfit and I was out the door.

An Uber was what I went with because I knew that it was best if I lowered my possibility of the Vehicles I could drive in considering that I didn't want to get into a car wreck.

The driver tried to make conversation the whole time, which I knew he could tell I wasn't up for. But I didn't want to be rude.

Finally, the dreadful ride was over and I quickly paid the driver as I exited the car.

I walked in to find everyone seated on the bar stools. Harry was on the far end, next to Liam, that's the exact place that I was trying to avoid.

Yeah... I shouldn't be avoiding Harry... but why would I say sorry. The moment that happened this morning meant nothing, right. But, something about it felt comforting. But it's Harry, and I'm me, and we're just friends. Right?

Give Him a Chance - h.s [Completed + editing]Where stories live. Discover now