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After work I do my same schedule and eat some food, take a shower, and change into my pajamas. It's about 6:30 when I head to Perrie's apartment room right across from me.

I knock the door and get a "come in" from Perrie just like everyday.

I walk into her apartment and head to her bedroom like usual. "Hey per-," Before I finish I see someone unexpected sitting on her bed. Harry.

"Um, hey." He blurts. I know that Harry is just here with Perrie as a friend but it's just kind of weird to me that he's here this late.

"Hey, Rose! Harry was just here because we were... discussing some things." Perrie shrugs and I nod.

"Ok..." I say as I stand there uncomfortably.

"You know what, I was just about to go to bed! Harry you can go to Roses apartment right across from here. I'm sure Rose was about to go back anyway!"

"But I just..."

"Bye!!!" Perrie pushes us out of her room and it's just me and Harry, again.

"Um, I guess you can come to my apartment and chill out for a while." I say as I walk back.

"Um, I can leave if you want me too?" Harry blurts.

"No! Um I mean no. You don't have to." I say and instantly turn pink. Harry smiles and nods.

I lead Harry into my apartment room and he sits on the couch as I go to the kitchen to get us some... tea?

"Do want some tea or coffe?" I ask him.

"Tea is fine." He says.

I walk into the living room and pour us both some tea as I sit down across from him. It couldn't get any more awkward that this.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask, trying to break the silence.

"Sure." Harry reply's and scoots over on his couch to give me some space to sit next to him.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask as I sit down next to him and switch on the tv.

"Ooh, I have a movie that I think you'll like." Harry exclaims and snatches the remote from me. I chuckle at his behavior because I find it extremely cute when he gets all excited.

We end up watching a cheesy rom-com that I have no idea what the name is. In the beginning of the movie I laugh so hard that I end up falling on his lap, then apologizing, but Harry ends up pulling me closer to him anyways.

I feel Harry's stare on me as I lay on his chest and stare at the screen. I look over to him and he instantly looks away and a smile creeps on his face. His dimple pops out on his cheek as his smile grows bigger. I can't find a way to stop myself when I end up poking the dimple on his face and he squirms.

"Don't do that!" Harry laughs and he covers his cheek with his hand. I laugh as a stare at Harry's embarrassed red face.

I cuddle myself against Harry's chest as the movie ends and the credit scroll onto the screen.

"Did you like it?" Harry looks down to me and asks.

"I loved it." I smile, looking up to him.

Harry hooks his arm around me and smirks, "I told you'd like it." Harry says, touching the tip of my nose with his finger. I stare at his lips, and our faces are only inches apart. Without thinking, I tilt my head up and I lips meet for the second time.

Only this time, it lasted longer.

Give Him a Chance - h.s [Completed + editing]Where stories live. Discover now