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Those 15 minutes pass quickly and for some reason I am extremely nervous to have lunch with Harry.

I push my chair into my desk and take a deep breath.

"What's the tea." Walker says to me and my worried face instantly turns into a smile.

"Whaaaat?" We've only known each other for a few days and he already knows me so well. I grab my coat and start to walk to the elevator and Walker follows me.

"I know there's something up that's making you nervous. You always make that face." He chuckles.

"W-What face?!" I ask confused.

"That face when you flare your nostril and your eyebrows lift up." He teases. I instantly pull my eyebrows lower.

"Well, now you look even more worried." He jokes.

We get to the last floor and start walking to the exit and my stomach starts to flutter. I can tell if it's my hunger or something else.

"Hope you have a nice date!" Walker waves to me as we exit the building.

"How, what?" I mouth. He had no idea I was having lunch with Harry. Actually he doesn't even know that I know him. If I told him I was friends with Harry Styles then I have no idea what his reaction would be. He smiles at me and points to one of the cars parked in the front. I walk over to it to find Harry standing out of the car with a smile on his face with sun glasses and a hoodie over him. I suspect he's wearing that so he doesn't get a lot of... attention.

"Hey." He simply says.

"Hi." I squeak.

"Com'on." Harry waves at his car and I walk in.

"Man, I'm starving" I say, my cheeks turn pink.

Harry smiles, "um yeah, you know how you told me that I could bring anything?"


"Yeah, well, I'm not that good of a cook but I can make a mean peanut butter jelly. I know it sounds childish but if you try it I'm sure you'll like it. If you don't then I will promise to-,"

"Harry, I love peanut butter jelly. It's fine." I smile and put my hand on his shoulder.

I can tell he's nervous and I think he can tell I'm nervous too. I can't help but think how it used to be before we started... being more than just friends. We were never nervous around each other. After all of me Perrie and the boys had been to a few parties together we all started to get close. Harry and I always teased each other like best friends almost. But we were never just friends... and everyone new that.

"Earth to rose!" Harry snaps me out of my trance.

"Oh sorry I was just... thinking..." I say. Harry grabs a plastic bag out of a paper bag with a sandwich in it and hands it to me and he grabs one for himself. I stare at Harry as he opens the bag and sticks his hand in to grab the sandwich. He takes the sandwich out and somehow ends up having peanut butter over the tip of his thumb and on his finger. He tilts his head and licks his finger off and then he licks the peanut butter off his thumb. I chuckle, realizing that I have been staring at him the whole time.

Harry turns to look at me with his thumb still in his mouth and we lock eyes. He instantly takes his thumb out and his cheeks turn red.

"Um, sorry." He said.

"No need to apologize." I smile and he returns it.

Soon enough, Harry has ended up eating two sandwiches and I start to finish mine as I take the last bite.

"You know what, that was probably the best peanut butter jelly sandwich I've ever had." I say and Harry smiles.

"Was it now?" Harry tilts his brow.

"Maybe." I tease.

"Hold on, you have a little," Harry wipes some peanut butter off my face with his thumb and licks the excess off his finger.

"Thanks..." I say as I stare at Harry and he stares back at me.

"Ummm... I think I better go now." I say as I grab my bag.

"Oh, um, yeah." Harry says and shift uncomfortably in his seat.

"Thanks for the sandwiches." I shout as I walk back into the building.

"No problem!" Harry screams back.

I enter the elevator and walk out and go back to my, What feels like an eternity of work.


Ok so I need to update you guys real quick.

So I've make my decision that this book is going to be a short story.

It's not going to be very long and I am going to end it soon because I don't have a very good plot to this sorry.

So there's going to be some more chapters left, I don't know how many, but some more.

Then this fanfic will be over.

And I'm also working on some other stuff too.

So... yeah.



Give Him a Chance - h.s [Completed + editing]Where stories live. Discover now