Oils and Herbs

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He stared at the small, green haired boy, completely entranced by his stunning emerald eyes. A small cough from opposite him told Shoto that he was staring at the boy a bit too long, causing him to blush profusely.

"Ah- uh, yeah. Sorry, I just," Shoto muttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

The boy behind the counter cut him off with a small giggle. "And here I was thinking that I'm the one who mumbles too much! It's really not a problem. How can I help you?" The prince was taken aback by the openness and blatant kindness that was being poured out in front of him. 

How long had it been since someone didn't know who he was and still acted nice? He couldn't remember, but it had been a while for sure. A warmth crawled through his chest, and his mind clouded over a bit, getting lost in the green eyes opposite him.

Snapping out of it, Shoto quietly said, "Well, you see, I have this friend who's a witch. She's running low on potions so I thought it would be a good idea to get her some more."

The boy's smile dropped for a second, then reappeared. Except, this time it looked insincere and fake, with a hint of disappointment added in. Shoto wondered why that might have been, what had he said wrong?

"Do you know what kind of witch she is? That would help with figuring out what potions I can suggest," the words were laced with a hint of saddness, again confusing the prince.

"I think she's a green witch."

The boy took a deep breath before uttering his next sentence. "Would you like a love potion as well?"

Shoto was taken aback, surprised. Was that why he seemed so dissapointed? It was all such a big misunderstanding. He found it really funny, so much in fact, that he started to giggle.

The green haired boy's face turned an intense red, worried that a snarky comeback or biting remark would follow.

"I'm sorry, forgive me. No a love potion is not needed, I believe she doesn't even swing that way," he flashed a small, kind smile and stuck out his hand. "We got off to a bad start. My name is Todoroki Shoto."

The boy opposite shook his hand, the big smile returned, "Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

"And you."

Getting back to buisness, Midoriya said, "I have some essential oils and herbs that you might be interested in, if you would follow me." he turned to leave and Shoto followed.

He was lead into a small room in the back that was dotted with tiny windows, whatever sunlight that filtered through them was dim and dingy. The walls were lined with colourful bottles, varying in size.

The room looked magical.

Midoriya gestured to a small shelf to the left of the door. "I have lemon, peppermint, rose, grapefruit, and ginger essential oils."

"Yes, all of those sound good," Shoto knew they were expensive but he was the prince, of course he could pay for it all.

The green haired boy raised an eyebrow, but his skeptical expression vanished in favor of another big smile. Shoto loved that smile.

"Ok, then! Which herbs would you like?" he questioned, pointing to several bins behind him, each filled with some variation of a herb. The prince squinted at the sloppily labeled containers and came up with an answer.

"I would like thyme, rosemary, and lemongrass," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Sounds good. While I get your order ready, would you mind sitting in the main area of the shop? There are some chairs there."

"Alright," before Shoto left, he flashed one more small smile.

He saw Midoriya blushing from the corner of his eye.


im a baaaaaaaad person. thats it. peace out

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