Rocks and Conversations

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Izuku awoke unnaturaly. Today was his only day off, so he preferred to sleep in as much as possible, but when he looked out the window, he saw the clouds were still a dark, romantic mix of purple and blue. "Damn," he muttered, disappointed, "still dark." A faint ticking on the glass of his window could be heard, and Izuku could only have assumed that was what woke him up. He was a light sleeper, after all. He stretched a little before sliding out of bed and lazily ambling to the window.

He slid it open, but was not prepared for what he saw. Stifling a shreik, Midoriya slammed the window shut and pressed his back against it for good measure. Slowly, he slid down to a crumpled position on the floor, panicky breathing and sobs filled the room. He couldn't think. Thoughts were frantically racing around in his head, screaming to be heard. Why was HE here? Wasn't he dead? What's happening? 

When his sobs rolled down to breathy hiccups, Izuku could again hear the tick-tick-ticking of small rocks being thrown against his window. He took in a deep breath and cautiously creaked the window open. It felt like he had to use every muscle in his body to complete the everyday task. 'Probably broke it from slamming it earlier,' Izuku thought in dismay. 

Izuku's legs were wobbly, betraying him, so he braced himself against the windowsill with his arms. They weren't too reliable either, but this was as good as it got for him right now in terms of balance. "Why.." he croaked out, voice hoarse, "why are you here?" Fresh tears brimmed against his eyes, and Izuku desperately willed them not to fall. "You-you're dead, Shoto." He felt insane. Going mad because of some crazy, pathetic hallucination.

"That's exactly why I'm here, Izuku. I'm not dead, just lonely. These past few weeks have been utter hell without a friend," Shoto said, looking up into Izuku's trusting, forest green eyes that were now filled with such sadness and hopelessness. "Can I come up?" he asked. Izuku hastilly nodded, still not believing that this was reality. He was sure that any moment now, he'd wake up and it was all a dream and life could go back to normal. Of course, the rough, splintery edge of the window sill biting into his palms was enough to make him accept that, no, this was not a dream. Still, he felt as if he were in some sort of daze.

Shoto stacked a couple crates that were laying around on each other and jumped on them. He then grabbed onto the wall, searching for reliable foot and hand holds. When he found a couple, he gracefully climbed his way up. Izuku reached out both of his hands for Shoto to grab onto as he neared the ledge. Shoto greatfully grasped his hands and, using Midoriya as support, pulled himself into the room. He fell on the floor and it took some effort to right himself again, seeing as scaling a wall isn't the easiest thing a person can do. When he looked up, he could see the terror in Izuku's eyes. He was trembling and holding his hands to his chest. "So.. you're alive? But in the newspaper-"

"My father bribed the newspaper," Shoto said, interrupting Izuku, "They didn't want word to get around that I had killed myself, so they had it look like an accident. Of course, I didn't really kill myself, but we'll get to that in a minute." He reached his hands out to cup Izuku's wet face and wiped away the tears. "You don't know how badly I've missed you," he whispered softly.

Izuku frowned and crushed Todoroki in a constricting hug. "You idiot! I was so fucking gutted! I missed you every single day, and then, when I heard the news, I told myself that was the last time I'd ever see you! And now you turn up telling me how-" Izuku was cut off by a muffled groan and quickly loosened his hug, so he wouldn't actually kill Shoto. "-how I didn't miss you that much? I fucking missed you so bad, it's not even funny! I missed your laugh, I missed your adorable kind of half-smile that isn't really a smile but is still amazing, I even missed your stupid half-and-half hair-!" He was interrupted again, but this time, by something more pleasant than an almost strangled Todoroki.

Izuku could feel how soft, how warm, Todoroki's lips felt on his and didn't realize how much he had been craving them. He leaned forward, deepening the kiss, hungrily taking everything he could. Shoto moved his hands from around Izuku's waist, to playing with his bouncy hair before breaking the kiss off, slightly out of breath. "I-I think we should go somewhere else to talk," Shoto said airily. They still had a lot of stuff to work out. Izuku nodded his head and carefully led Shoto down the stairs and out the store.

The pair arrived at the orchard some minutes later, and sat in the same place they had the first day they came there. By then, the clouds turned to a more inviting hue of muddled pink and purple with flecks of orange here and there. Izuku leaned his head against Todoroki's shoulder. "Tell me how this all happened," he said, needing answers. Shoto obliged and explained how he was desperately needing a way to escape from his mairrage and controlling father, as well as see Izuku again. "And one day, I thought, 'if I weren't born, none of this would have happened'. That's when I got the idea to fake my death, then run away with you," he concluded, a bit shyly.

Izuku smiled a mixture of amusement and sadness. "Run away with me, huh?" Todoroki sheepishly nodded. "You know there's nothing more in this world that I would want more than that," he started, and Todoroki braced himself for the 'but', "but what about Bakugou? Surely, he would notice that I'm not there pretty quickly, and even if we're far away from him, he's still very determined and wont stop until he finds us. Plus, what about you? You don't necessarily blend in with other people, considering your hair and the fact that you're a well known member of a royal family."

Todoroki pursed his lips in thought, pondering over Izuku's hesitations. They were all good points. "Well," he started, finally, "with Bakugou, I'm sure that his boyfriend would make him stop eventually. And, for me, I can grow my hair out and dye it. Seriously, Izu, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to be able to run away with you and start our own life together in a village far away from here."

He gave a small, reassuring smile and gently held Izuku's hand. "You mean it?" Izuku asked hopefully.

"I do," Todoroki whispered before leaning forward and sweetly kissing Midoriya. Neither of them knew how something that seemed so wrong could feel so right.

haha im not crying, you're crying. this story is officially finished, so thank you all so much for sticking with me through my update inconsistincies and shitty writing. there might be an epilogue, but that's it for now. love you, bros! <3

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