Help and Tempers

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Shoto rode home, mind polluted with thoughts about the green haired boy. They were stubborn and would not go away no matter how hard he tried.

'Ugh,' he thought, 'I really need to talk to someone about this. Hmm, Uraraka would completely fangirl and squeal, not very helpful. Kirishima and Kaminari would just tease me a bit, I know it's all in good fun but even so, not what I need. Maybe I could talk to Aizawa. Yeah, he'd know what to do.'

Just as his planning came to a stop they arrived at the palace, or really, the barn. Shoto inhaled a deep breath of the familiar, musty air. What weak rays of the sun that were left filtered in through any crack or crevice they could, illuminating the place in patchy spots.

He undressed his horse, leaving it in its' stall as he walked back through a side entrance, the bag of oils and herbs still firmly in hand. Shoto heaved a sigh of relief as he started the climb up the stairs that led to his room.

Finally. He could just take a nap and forget all the weird stuff that happened today. But the thing was, he didn't want to forget that charming boy, the way he smiled, the way his freckles danced across his face.

'Snap out of it Shoto,' he thought as he physically slapped himself. That was all over any they probably wouldn't even meet again anyway so there wasn't any use worrying about it. 

Stopping in front of his door, Shoto reached for the doorknob but had second thoughts as he remembered wanting to talk to Aizawa. 'I can do it tomorrow. What I want right now is sleep,' he reassured himself, climbing into bed even though it was very early. He had no idea why he was so tired but falling asleep seemed like the right thing to do.

And that's exactly what he did.

~Back in time with Izuku after Todoroki left brought to you by chicken tikka masala (best food everrr)~

'Why should I have even bothered getting my hopes up. I mean, it's not like I'm surprised or anything. Just hurt. Which, if you think about it, is really stupid. There was nothing between us, and to even think that is stupid of me.' Izuku thought in despair.

"Ugh,"  he groaned, slamming his head repeatedly on the window that covered the front of the shop.

A boy with fiery red eyes and scarily pointy hair poked his head out of the back room.

"Shut up you stupid Deku!" his voice was gravelly and rough, probably because he only ever screamed or yelled. "Nobody wants to hear your depressing thoughts."

Izuku turned around and gave him a death glare. "I don't care, Kacchan," he shot out, with more anger than he intended.

Izuku turned and dashed up the stairs and to the place where he and the blonde lived above the shop. He threw the door open and jumped onto his bed face-first, suffocating in pillows.

Disappointed in himself for thinking that would work, he sat up and began to evaluate what he should do.

Mumbling, Izuku said, "Maybe it'd just be better if I forget about his existence completely. Yeah, that'd be good. Forget and poof, he's gone and I don't have to worry about him. 

"Also, he was wearing really nice clothes. Nicer than people around here usually wear. There's something up with that. What if he's a noble! I don't think anyone of that high class would want to come into the shop though, hmm.

"His face looked a bit familiar, like I've seen it before-" freezing mid-thought, Izuku had a realization.

A scowl quickly overtook his normally cheery features. "That jerk forgot to pay!" he bellowed.

He rocketed through the narrow hallway and down the rickety stairs to be met with a shell-shocked Bakugo.

"Oh, get over it, Kacchan. It's not like I haven't lost my temper before." All Bakugo could do was nod, afraid to make any sudden moves. "Anyway, I'll be heading out to find someone. I probably won't be back soon because I have no idea where he went. Bye!" And with that, Izuku set off on a mission to find the runaway prince.

why do i get so emotionally attached to comics? like, its a problem. also i just now realized that todoroki didnt pay..... whoops..... welp its part of the story now. yeet bye

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