Stairs and Windows

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Bakugou stood at the top of the stairs, arms folded formidably, eyes piercing holes through Midoryia's head. Izuku was frozen like a deer caught in headlights, not wanting to move for fear that any motion at all would set him off.

"So," Bakugou started, grinning evilly, "you finally decided to come home, huh? Luckily, I wasn't worried about that. Nobody was. And do you want to know why that is?" he asked, creeping down the stairs to become level with the frightened boy. "It's because nobody cares about you," he spat. "Nobody loves you. You're nothing. You're worthless. You're the reason your dad left, you know. He hated you. He still does. Everyone does."

Izuku was starting to tear up. He knew this was going to happen, he knew every time, and yet he was never prepared for the mental beating. Bakugou cut into his thoughts. "Aww look at you, gonna cry? Gonna cry to mommy?" He inched closer to Midoriya's face. "Oh wait, I forgot. She's dead," he mused, a sadistic smile began to make its way on his face. "And don't think you're going to tell your little prince about this either. You do, and I'll tell him what a disgusting bitch you are. It's not like he'll care anyway. You have absolutely no chance with him, he's getting married, and who would ever want someone like you anyway? There's a thing called standards, ya know." Seeming satisfied, Bakugou punctuated his rant with a hard shove to Midoriya. He was knocked over and hit his head sharply on the wooden floor. He knew he was bleeding, but did nothing about it. He just ran up the stairs, trying to leave what had happened behind for the moment at least.

Izuku leaped onto his bed, and landed in a shuddering, crumpled mess on the messy sheets. Despite knowing that what Bakugou said was not true, there still was that small bit of doubt creeping into his mind. After all, this kind of abuse was not new to him, and the words were basically drilled into his head, and if they were said so often that they had to be true, right?

'Ugh,' he thought. 'This is too much thinking for one night. I need to go to sleep.' So he did exactly that, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

(phat timeskip brought to you by my absolute self loathing(also now todoroki pov))

It had been weeks since Shoto and Izuku had met up, and things were not going so well. With every day that crept by, the wedding inched forward too, looming over Shoto like a cliff. His father became over bearing too, and since he wasn't allowed to go out anymore, his only source of comfort was his butler who was now acting as a kind of life coach because of the despaired state of the prince. Shoto's fiance was more insufferable too. She kept clinging onto him, so that he barely had any privacy at all. He refused to interact in any sort of romantic way with her, even if he was threatened by his father. Getting married to someone you didn't love was one thing, pretending to be in love was another.

Currently, Todoroki was laying awake in his bed, restless eyes only closing to blink occasionally, mind racing with thoughts of regret. He decided to get a breath of fresh air to try and escape his torturous mind, so he got up and tossed the sheets aside. The only noise that could be heard was gentle padding as he made his way to the window and opened it. As soon as he did, he felt relief. He wanted more so he jumped up and sat on the window sill, legs dangling dangerously over the edge. Shoto looked down and saw just how high up he was and smiled. He liked challenging death.

The crisp fall air cleared his head of all the excess thoughts until there was only one remaining. The smiling green haired boy who ran the potion shop. That ray of sunshine in human form. Shoto smiled at the mere thought of him. Then another very clear idea popped into his head, and he smiled grimly as a plan started to take form. "This is for you," he hoarsely whispered.

Then he jumped.

todoroki you goddamn masochist. so um ya know when i had an update schedule? yeah me neither. im so sorry you guys but school happened and then i was really unmotivated to write this one cuz im tired of all the sad stuff but TODODEKU IS COMING I HECCING PROMISE I WANTED THIS TO BE A REALLY SLOW BURN SO YEAH. also check out my art book if you want, its pretty litty spagitti

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