Walks and Oak Trees

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"So where were you planning on going?" Midoriya asked. He still felt a bit uneasy about going on a walk to an unknown location with a person he didn't know very well, but he tried to calm the nervous storm brewing in his stomach and trust Shoto.

Immediately, Todoroki saw one fatal flaw in his plan. He didn't know where he was going. Apparently it showed because Midoriya gave him an unimpressed look. The storm, it seemed, was impossible to tame.

"Uh, well... I don't really know my way around here because I live in the next kingdom over. I just kinda wanted to talk to you and get to know you better, if that's okay?" He glanced sheepishly down at Izuku and let a small smile slip on his lips, as if to confirm everything he said as the truth.

Somehow the prince's smile managed to calm Izuku's storm and push aside all his doubts about him.

"Of course it's okay, I kinda wanted to get to know you too." he chirped, "I know a nice park with these really big and beautiful trees that might be a good place to go." He was very enthusiastic about the place since it was one of his favorite parts of the whole kingdom that hardly anyone knew about.

"Sure, that sounds nice," Todoroki said, feeling embarrassed that he asked Midoriya on a walk but had no idea where to.

They spent the rest of the short walk in silence, enjoying each other's company. Todoroki was silent because he wanted to observe this new and unfamiliar town. Midoriya wasn't saying anything because he was so concentrated on not getting lost. It had been a while since he visited the park, because even though he loved the place, it was a long distance from the potion shop and he didn't have any reason to go.

Finally they arrived at a wooden fence, worn with age, with green and grey mold scattered everywhere. You could definitely tell it had been there a while. Just beyond the fence was a forest of oak trees so tall, the leaves seemed to graze the sky.

Midoriya led Shoto through the dilapidated fence and onto a winding dirt path through the trees until they reached a clearing. There, in the center of it, was the biggest tree Todoroki had ever seen. The trunk was at least ten feet across and it had giant,  thick roots sprawled in every direction, crawling, trying to touch the trees that ringed it. 

Izuku bounded over some exceptionally tall roots until he got to his favorite spot. Shoto watched as he plopped down and nestled into an oddly shaped root that looked and acted like a chair. From there he beckoned to the other boy saying, "Come join me."

The prince complied and sat,  letting out an audible sigh once he got settled. "This place..." he said, not being able to find the right words to describe the serenity and peace he felt in that moment. 

Midoriya giggled a bit at how awestruck Shoto was. "I know, right? That's how I felt when I first came here too. Doesn't it make you feel so calm and relaxed?"

The other boy nodded. "Yeah." What he thought, but would never voice aloud, was how right this moment felt, here in this place, with this boy, this stranger. And somehow it all worked.

whoopdeedoo how cliche but oh wellll. miss me? cuz i missed yall. jesus its been a while hasnt it? so for the school year i will try, fingers crossed, to have a weekly upload schedule so yall can get that GOOD GAY SHIT more often. wish me luck for volleyball tryouts see yall later baiiiiii

(thank you all for still reading and being interested even with all the inconsistencies yall are truly the best thank you for coming to my ted talk) 

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