Intimate Moments and Depresss-ing Thoughts

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Izuku ran all the way back to his shop, stopping only to catch his breath every couple of minutes. When he finally arrived at the now dark shop entrance he fumbled for his keys before finding the right one and inserting it into the lock. Hearing a confirming click that the door was unlocked, he swung it wide open and waltzed right in.

Only, he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard what sounded like pained noises coming from upstairs. Izuku's mind immediately went to the worst conclusion and he grabbed the closest thing to him for protection. He realized that all he had to defend himself against whatever was up there was only a flimsy sheet of cardboard but it would have to do.

He quickly dashed up the stairs and stopped at the entrance to Bakugo's door, the place the noises were coming from. He tentatively pushed open the door but not even the strongest armor could have protected Izuku from the sight that was laid out before him.

There was Bakugo sitting there, red faced and panting, in the lap of none other that their mutual friend, Kirishima. Both of their shirts were off and they had their arms tangled around each other's bodies. It really looked as if Izuku had walked in on and interrupted an... intimate moment between them.

"I-I uh... Sorry!" He squeaked out before slamming the door closed and running to his room. When he slammed himself onto his bed, the blanket welcomed him with open arms. Izuku tried to suffocate himself in the warmth to no avail.

"Oh god. What did I just witness?" He mumbled to himself. Suddenly, a knock sounded against the splintery wooden door. 

"Hey, stupid nerd. Don't you dare tell anyone what you saw or else I'll murder you, got that?" Bakugo warned in a slightly breathless, aggressive voice.

"Yeah, I get it." Izuku responded in a slightly dejected tone.

Secretly, he wanted someone special like that too. Someone to hold him. Someone to love him. Someone he could love. His heart ached for someone like that, but it was too bad nobody of the like existed.

'But what if that guy who forgo- No that's stupid, Izuku. He's engaged. He doesn't like guys. He doesn't like you. Forget it. Nobody will ever love you.'

He got up and walked to the bathroom, gripping the edge of the wooden sink, and staring intensely at his own reflection, examining every flaw, every imperfection. His eves scanned over his messy, too green hair. The giant bags under his eyes, caused by restlessness. The freckled that stood out too harshly and hideously against his too fair skin. He hated it all.

'This is why nobody loves you. That and the fact that you're too much of a fanboy. And too obsessive. And mutter a lot. And- Oh who am I kidding, there's so much wrong about me. Now I see why nobody's ever lived me before.

'I give up. Screw love. The one maybe possibility that I had at love is out the window, it was to begin with anyway. I'm better off alone.'

Izuku, now with his new layers of self loathing, decided to trudge to bed, only faint traces of tears left on his cheeks.

I dO nOt HaVe WrItErS bLoCk My WrItEr JuSt HaTeS tHe ClOcK. fuck that last part hit waaaay too close to home and got more depressing than I had planned. oh well. (also to whoever got the reference your a pretty cool spaghettio)@bluebird2266 suffer 

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