Returning and Snapping

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The two boys sat under the shade of the giant oak tree for what felt like forever, just idly chatting about everything and nothing. The more they learned about each other, the more they realized they had in common.

Time seemed to slip away and soon it was dark enough for some of the bolder stars to start to peek out. Shoto realized that it was much too late, and that if he returned to the palace any explanation he had would not be enough to smother his father's rage. Nothing could hold a candle to the burning anger his father had when anyone set a foot out of line, let alone his son, who was supposed to be his greatest accomplishment. The perfect prince.

Well now that "perfect prince" is saying goodbye to a boy he had just become friends with over a day that was intended for working and responsibilities. The very same boy who had led the prince to questioning himself, even though he was already betrothed to another. Shoto was far from perfect, and that was the part that infuriated the king the most.

Bidding farewell, both boys hid their sadness under smiles, knowing that would most likely be their last encounter. Even in the next kingdom over, King Endeavor's temper was well known, and it was mutually understood that that alone would be the barrier between them in the future.

Todoroki mounted his horse and glanced over his shoulder at his new friend, now waving him goodbye. Shoto raised his hand and lightly waved it in response, refusing his negative emotions from taking over. He turned forward again, telling himself that they had only known each other for two days, that it meant nothing, that Midoriya would soon forget him, as he would surely forget Midoriya. 

Once he arrived at the palace, Todoroki led his horse to the stables, trying to stay as silent as possible so as not to attract any attention. Once that was taken care of, he entered through a back entrance, creaking the door open slowly. He even went so far as to take his shoes off so he could be as quiet as possible. Making his way up the stairs, Shoto thought he was safe, mentally congratulating himself on not being caught.

As soon as he caught sight of his bedroom door though, his mind changed. Waiting patiently for him was his father, the king, in his pajamas, arms crossed, icy glare set on his face. Shoto's heart dropped into his stomach, which he realized was empty because he and Izuku had completely forgotten about eating while they were in the park, entangled in the roots as much as they were in each other.

His father's sharp throat clearing snapped him out of his memories from earlier, abruptly bringing him back to his dad, who could quite possibly be the last thing Shoto ever saw.

"You missed quite a day today, son." He spat the last word, clearly showing his disdain for it. "Did you hear? The prince went missing, not a trace left. The whole palace thought he was kidnapped." The words were harsh, biting into Todoroki, leaving scars of guilt.

"Look, Dad-" he started.

"I don't want to hear it," Endeavor interrupted, "You caused everyone a lot of worry today, at least leave A GODDAMN NOTE!" The king's once calm facade had faded to show his fury. "I DON'T NEED YOU FUCKING AROUND WITH NEW "FRIENDS" WHEN YOUR WEDDING IS COMING UP IN TWO MONTHS. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SPOKEN TO YOUR FIANCE IN A WEEK!" he raged.

"WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME?" Shoto interrupted, his anger rivaling his father's. "I don't think you understand. This wedding was not my choice. You know that. It was all your idea to make our kingdom more powerful. I don't love my fiance. Every interaction we have makes me want to gouge her eyes out. Have you met the girl? She's so self-centered it makes me sick! I also know for a fact that she's seeing someone else, and honestly, I don't think it's fair. Why am I supposed to play along and pretend to be happy with this when she clearly isn't even trying to do either? If you really want to make the kingdom more powerful, you should stop being such a dick all the time. Then maybe people would like you." And with that, Shoto pushed past his stunned silent father into his room, shutting and locking his door behind him.

whoowee what a doozy of a chapter, am i right bois? also sorry i didnt update yesterday it turns out i had a lot of homework but this is better than nothing, right? so i've decided on an upload schedule. every wednesday and sunday, you will get a new part of gnms. i promise the title will make sense soon. ok so have a great rest of yalls days and uh dont bite people, peace out

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