Sunshine and Lollipops

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Midoriya trudged home, dreading his arrival. Though they had been friends when they were younger, now he and Bakugou were anything but. You see shortly after Bakugou moved in the spare room above the shop, because he was kicked out by his mom, he started acting differently around Izuku. He starting acting almost too friendly, really touchy. He also hounded him, following around him and when anyone tried to get close, Bakugou would run them off. It make Midoriya feel as if he could have no privacy, that every second he was being watched, guarded, or followed in some sort of way.

Then one day Bakugou asked him a question. "Hey Deku, would you be my boyfriend?" Feeling overwhelmed and nervous, not knowing what else to say, Midoriya said yes. His brain wasn't working properly enough to think things through. Was he attracted to Bakugou? No. Did he want to have any sort of romantic relationship with Bakugou? No. Did he enjoy being around Bakugou? No. So why had he said yes? He guessed it had to do with the fact that this was the first confession he had ever received and was just so surprised someone liked him, never mind that Izuku didn't have any feelings for him. He was sure those would come later.

They did not. A week after the fact, Midoriya came home to a note slid under his bedroom door. Curious, he crouched down and turned the paper over to read it. On it was scrawled "We're over" in messy, rushed handwriting. Really, Izuku was more shocked than anything. Why would Bakugou do this? Katsuki knew he was in a bad mindset from the loss of his mother, and yet he still played with his feelings as if they didn't matter.

Things started to get worse after that. Bakugou got a new boyfriend, Kirishima, who had a positive ray of sunshine facade, but once you saw past that, was a monster. Together, Bakugou and Kirishima had made Midoriya's life a living hell. They emotionally abused him, taunted him. Their cruel words piled on top of Midoriya's already large pile of self hate, confirming what he believed to be true and adding even more. It was too much for him to handle. He had to talk to someone but he had no one, the shop was his whole life. He never needed anything else before. But now, anything else was all he needed.

 But when he finally got it in the form of Todoroki, Izuku still didn't want to talk about what he had been going through. He saw it as a burden that he had to carry alone, nobody else had to be bothered with his problems. Plus, he didn't want to come off as crazy to a really nice guy he had just met. As they say, you never get a second chance at first impressions. So Midoriya kept his secret, not wanting anyone to know about what he had been going through.

As he reached the shop, Izuku inhaled a sharp breath, trying to make it up the stairs as quietly as possible as he could. Once he looked up the flight of stairs though, any hope of him arriving to his room quickly soured.

There stood Bakugou. And he didn't look happy.

omg you guys im so sorry i love kiri to death and it pains me to make him an evil little child but i was peer pressured by bluebird2266 and Mochigirl13 to do the whole bakugou thing so take it up with them. also this story turned out waaay angstier than i thought it would be so sorry about that too, but hey at least im keeping up with my update schedule ok byeee

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