Feelings and Flowers

426 20 18

-With Todoroki-
Prince Shoto woke up with only one thing on his mind, 'Find that green haired boy again.' He didn't know what exactly drew him to the potion shop keeper, but whatever it was was strong and unrelenting.

He stumbled out of bed and noticed that it was still a bit dark out so he made an executive decision to sneak out and go back to that town. The prince wrote a note to his butler, Aizawa, so a search party would not be sent out at his disappearance.

Looking down he realized that he still had his clothes from yesterday on. Shoto chuckled to himself as he pulled on a fresh set of clothes. Now, finally ready for the day, he flung the window open.

It wasn't really necessary to jump out the window, but he liked the extra sense of drama and mystery it added. The prince leapt down and strolled to the barn, looking for his favorite horse so the journey would be faster.

When everything was ready to go, the horse saddled and ready, it was dawn and the rest of the castle should be waking up soon. Shoto hopped on his horse and they started off toward the town.

As the prince stopped at the edge of town to tie up his horse, he thought it would be a good idea to drop by a flower shop first to get a present for Midoriya. He tied up his horse by a fountain, then headed to the central square where most of the shops were.

Looking around, he immediately identified a flower shop by the buckets of flowers outside the front of the building. Shoto stepped in and was instantly greeted by thousands of unique smells wafting into his nose.

His eyes wandered over to the counter and suddenly he caught sight of a familiar tuft of green hair. He took a few steps forward and caught some of the conversation between Midoriya and the red headed shopkeeper.

"Ok Midoriya, those sunflowers will be two silver pieces," the boy behind the counter said with a toothy grin. Izuku smiled back and felt in his pockets for his wallet. Coming up empty, he remembered leaving it on his bedside table earlier that morning.

"Shoot! I left my wallet at home today, Kirishima. Can you hold the flowers for me while I run and go get it?" Midoriya asked, panicking slightly. Todoroki saw this as an opening and stepped up to the counter.

"There's no need for that, here," he said, dropping five silver pieces on the counter. The other two boys looked up at him in surprise, not noticing he was there before.

"Shoto! What a surprise!" Midoriya beamed while Kirishima just looked confused. "Kirishima this is my- er... friend, Todoroki Shoto."

The name sounded familiar to the red head but he couldn't put his finger on it.               

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kirishima Eijirou," he greeted, sticking out his hand. Shoto smiled and shook it. He then turned towards Midoriya.

"Would you mind taking a walk with me?" he inquired politely. Midoriya's mind immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusions, but something in him made him trust this strange prince.

"Sure, see ya Kiri!"

"Have fun!" Kirishima replied, then whispered into Midoriya's ear. "Don't forget to use protection." The green haired boy made a sour face, then puled Shoto out of the shop.

ohmigodyouguysimsosorry. i know that this ws a shitty chapter and that i kinda dissappeared for a while but a lot of shits been happening. most of this comes from my depression worsening, making it impossible to find motivation for writing let alone taking care of myself. i will be taking a lot of time off from writing this summer to just take care of myself and get that sorted out but i promise that at the end of the summer i will be back with new chapters (im hoping) every week. love you bros!

Goodnight, My Someone (Tododeku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt