Chapter 1

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"So Natasha thinks you like Sharon?" I asked my blonde friend as I stirred the cookie batter. He chuckled and nodded. It's been almost 2 years since I moved to New York. I went to my mom and uncles Funeral, and I was surprised at how many people went. There was a lot more than I expected. They did make friends easy though. I've been in contact with Eddie and Anne. They actually got back together. I'm honestly happy for them. I'm over Eddie. I guess you could say I had a school girl crush on him. He actually cleaned up nice too. When we met, he was a mess. I smiled at the thought. He's happy with Anne and that makes me happy. Right now, Steve and I are baking cookies... well I am. Steve isn't the one for baking, but he sure can cook! I love his food! Specially his potato soup! He said his mom made it for him. It was his favourite too, still is.

"I keep telling her I don't like Sharon, but Nat never listens. She's been trying to get me a date. I thought I would never find the right partner, but..." Steve looked down. He told me about Peggy, he even took me to see her. I love that woman! I smile at Steve and mentioned him to continue. He shook his head and smiled at me.

"You will soon Steve. Many woman would love to get a date with you, but that's probably because your Captain America. I know someone is out there who will love you, Steve Grant Rogers. Not because of you being Cap, but for you. Your sweet, kind, generous, at times a badass, I've seen you during some missions. And you're practically the definition of gentleman! Best of both worlds!" I exclaimed to the man. He laughed as he watched me put the cookies in the oven. I went to the sink and watched my hands. I dried them off and turned to Steve. He quickly looked away. I furrowed my eyebrows, but didn't ask.

"Thanks Hailey... it means a lot." He smiled at me. I nodded as I set the timer for 10 minutes.

"It's the truth." I shrugged. We went to the living room. We sat on the couch in our previous spots. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

Can we watch The Walking Dead?! That's my favourite!

We already watched all the seasons!

Let's rewatch them!

I rolled my eyes and went into Netflix. I looked over to Steve. He looked down at the ground, thinking.

"What is it Steve?" I asked him curiously. He looked over to me. The look in his eyes familiar. I groaned.

"I know, I know. It's just I think it's not safe. If you don't want to get caught, you should stop doing the... vigilante stuff." He told me. I sighed. He wants me to join the Avengers, but I can't. I'm not cut out for the big stuff.

"I know the consequences Steve and I got that covered. Don't worry about me." I smiled as I patted his shoulder. He looked uncertain still, but let me off the hook. His phone rang. He grabbed it and answered.

"Hello?" He said. His face became serious. "On my way." He ended the call.

"What?" Steve stood up. He walked towards his coat.

"Nat has another mission for us. I have to go, sorry Hailey." I shook my head.

"It's your work Steve, I get it. Just be careful alright?" My eyes soft. He chuckled.

"I could tell you the same thing." He smirked. He knew I was going out tonight. I rolled my eyes. "Bye Hailey."

"Later!" He closed the door. The timer went off in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and put on my oven mitt. I took out the cookies and turned off the stove. I left the cookies to cool off. I was going to walk upstairs to get ready, but SOMEONE wanted cookies. I was pulled back into the kitchen and I grabbed the hot cookie and ate it. "Ow..."


I rolled my eyes as I grabbed another. There was a total of 12 cookies, but now there was 5 left. Holy shit!

"Jeez Dawn!" I exclaimed as I walked towards the stairs.

It was either that or you pancreas...

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I opened my closet and saw my suit. (It's like black Widow's, but purple and black. It also has tiny holes on the side of the arms and legs for Dawn to come out).

I put the suit on and tied up my dark brown hair up. I grabbed my mask. (Like the Winter Soldier's mouth piece). I walked over to my window and jumped out. I landed on the stairs in the alleyway. I looked up at the roof. Dawn reached out and pulled us up. I ran over the rooftops. I decided to check out the back roads. Dawn came out and we ran even faster.

We made it to the back roads. I noticed two men walking down a road with no lights. Dawns vision helped a lot. We followed them into the woods. Dawn looked closer to the men and noticed guns in their hands.

That's not good.

We continued to follow them through the trees. We soon came across a old warehouse. It had gates around it. We stayed a few trees away because I could see men in the trees. They had guns too. I could just see in the window, two children tied up. A man slapped the little girl. The young boy screamed at the man. The man left them.

What the fuck?! How could they!? We have to get in there!

I'll take out the men in the trees.

She went to the closest one. My hand came out and I gave one good, solid punch to the head. He was out. Dawn caught him before he fell. She slowly put him on the ground. We made our way to the next man. This time, Dawn reached forward and threw him into a tree. She caught him and put him on the ground. We took out 4 men that were hidden in the trees. I looked around and the only ones left were the ones at the front gate. Dawn reached both arms and pulled them up. Before they could even yell, Dawn knocked them out. We're lucky it was dark out.

We made our way to the back door and noticed one guard there. Dawn retreated back and I slowly crept towards the man. I took off my mask for a moment. I stood behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned with wide eyes. I smirked.

"Hey." I greeted before I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. He landed with an oof. I punched him square in the face. His eyes closed. I grabbed his black hat and stuffed my hair in it before putting it on. I put my mask back over my mouth. I nodded with a smirk before opening the door slowly. I peeked in and saw no one. I walked in and shut the door silently. I don't know what's happening here, but I'm saving those kids. I started walking down a hallway. I spotted the kids. They had some bruises on their arms and face. Oh my god! I hid behind a wall as as someone walked by. The whistled down the hallway. Once they were gone, I walked towards the children. Their eyes widened. I took off my mask. I shushed them. "I'm going to get you out of here."

"Y-you won't h-hurt us?" The boy asked shakily. I smiled reassuringly.

"I promise I won't hurt you, but you have to listen to me, okay?" They nodded. I untied them. They rubbed their wrist with a wince. The girl hid behind the boy. "You guy's brother and sister?"

They nodded. I smiled to the two softly.

"You two are going to protect each other Okay? When I tell you to run, you run." They nodded again. Im keeping my mask off for now.

We made it back to the door.

"Get them! Kill the woman, not the kids!" A man yelled from behind us. The kids screamed. I shushed them.

"I want you two the run, okay? Run to side of the building and you'll find a path, follow it." I told them. They stood still, looking petrified. They both looked about 7-8 years old. I grabbed their shoulders. "Run!"

They did. They ran out the door. I sighed in relief, but then gun shots were heard. Dawn blocked them. I put on my mask.

Show time.

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