Chapter 4

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I parked my bike in Mason's driveway. I took of my helmet as I walked up onto her porch. I mentioned Mason a few times to Steve, he said he would like to meet her. I never told Mason about Steve, I mean... I have, but she doesn't know he's Captain America Steve.

I didn't bother knocking and just walked in.

"Honey! I'm home!" I yelled as I opened my arms. I heard a something fall upstairs and a pair of feet stomp down the stairs. Devan grinned as he saw me.

"Hailey! Honey! How was work!?" He joked as he hugged me tightly. We pulled apart.

"Exhausting!" I groaned playfully as I kicked my boots of and jumped onto the couch. I don't know why, but that's our thing. We're are pretty weird and I love it.

"Exhausting? You sit at home all day. How've you been Hailey?" The 27 year old asked. I glared.

"You do nothing either!" I remarked. He pretended he didn't hear me. I huffed as he smirked. "And I have been fine. Where's Mas-?"

"Hailey!" A body jumped on me. I gasped as the weight crushed me. Mason hugged me as she laid on me.

"Mason! You're crushing me!" I gasped dramatically. We fell to the floor. "I can't breath... the light... I see the light."

"Mason, look you just killed the poor girl." Devan exclaimed was he mentioned to me. Mason got up. I stayed in my place on the floor.

"I'm not that heavy!" Mason glared at the both of us. We bursted our laughing as Mason pouted. I stood up and gave Mason an uncertain look.

"I don't know about that Mas. I did almost die just now." I mentioned to my previous spot on the floor. I sat back down. Mason sat beside me as Devan walked into the kitchen. Mason turned her body towards me. She put her chin in her hand. I did the same and we stared at each other. I stared in the most amazing green, forest eyes. She stared into my chocolate brown ones. We smiled.

"I wish I could find someone who will look at me like that..." Devan's voice broke the silence.

"No one will look at you the way I look at Hailey Dev... but if you do... don't let them go." She smirked at me. I smirked back.

"I love you Mason." I said dreamily. She grinned.

"I love me too." She replied. I scoffed and broke the staring contest. She laughed and so did Devan. "So what you doing here Hail? Steve leave you again? We will always be your second choice."

"I love you both, you know that! I love you guys equally! And no that's not the reason!" I exclaimed. Devan gave me a "really" look. "Okay... he had to go to work."

Mason looked at me with a smug look.

She gets it.


Oh nothing...

You are really getting on my nerves Dawn. I swear, I won't get Tater Tots anymore!

Um... excuse you! That is the reason you even go to the store to buy food! Tater Tots are life! Eddie got you into them, so did Venom!


Okay... Steve likes you.

Psh! Hahahaha! No he doesn't! How could you say that! He's got his eyes on someone else remember?!

You truly have no idea do you...?

Dawn, he doesn't like me. And he's my best friend.

But you like him to-.

No I don't!

Yes you do, but you don't know that yet. Hailey, I'm in your head all day. I get a little bored! I know you inside out... literally.

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