Chapter 9

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So I'm in the quintet with the Avengers headed to the Salvage Yard on the African Coast. They explained to me Ultron must be there for some vibranium. The strongest metal on earth. They also told us about the Maximoff twins. Wanda Maximoff, She has telepathic abilities and her twin brother Pietro Maximoff is insanely fast. He's like a blur. I was nervous to be honest. I sat beside Clint as Steve talked to the other 4 Avengers. Clint nudged me. I looked over to him. He smirked.

"You nervous?" He mentioned to sitting position. Elbows on my thighs. I was bouncing my leg up and down. I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding from my lips from biting them. I chuckled and rubbed my hands together, sitting up straight.

"A bit yeah..." he raised his eyebrows at me. I sighed. "Okay maybe a lot..."

"You'll be fine. I've seen you two in action a bit. Dawn seems to know how to kick ass." I smiled up at him.

I like him.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Clint furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. I shook my head at him.

"No, no. Its not you. Dawn... she has a bit of a crush on you..." I chuckled.

I do not! Hailey!

I smirked. Clint chuckled and looked to the ground.

"Well I'm sorry Dawn. I've got a lovely lady at home already." He spoke to Dawn. I heard Dawn sigh.

All the good ones are taken... Venom has Eddie... you have Steve...

I let out a hearty laugh as I let my head fall back. I ignored the Me and Steve part. Clint grinned at me.

And Hailey, we saved Earth before remember? We can do it again.

Yeah I guess you're right.

"What is she saying?" Clint asked interestingly. I shrugged.

"She reminded me that we... we kinda... uh, saved the world too I guess..." I whispered awkwardly. His eyes widened.

"Really!? When!?" He asked excitedly as he turned his body towards me. I grinned and turned around to face him too.

"It was the night after New York. When you guys were busy with Loki, me and my friends were trying to stop another Simbiote from going to their home planet to get more of their kind. He wanted to bring them to Earth and wipe out humans. They eat living things so... that wouldn't be pretty. My friends and I stopped him before he could get in the rocket." I explained. Clint looked interested and in awe. He shook his head.

"Okay, okay. So, you stopped an slimy alien from getting more slimy aliens to come to earth with the help of you mystery gang. Who are these friends of yours? Are they like you and Dawn?" He rested his chin in his head as he waited for me to answer. I nodded.

"Their names are Eddie and Venom. They helped me stop Riot and Carlton Drake. Riot was the other Simbiote. He choose Drake as his host knowing he had the power to do that." I replied. "Eddie and I met like two nights before the whole thing. It was weird. Eddie thought Drake was a fraud and just didn't seem like he's all cracked up to be. He called me and asked if I wanted to help him sneak into Drakes lab. He found out I used to be one of Drake's security guards. I agreed knowing Drake's a bad man... and an asshole.

We snuck in with the help of a scientist that worked for him. She distracted the guard so we could seek in. We found out Drake's been taking advantage of the homeless. He was experimenting on them with the Simbiote s, trying to find a way for them to join. Eddies friend was one of them. He tried to get her out... he did, but the Simbiote inside his friend went into him. The alarms went off so we had to run. His friend had died that night...

We managed to escape. Eddie freaked out when he found out about Venom. We went to this restaurant looking for someone and Eddie was freaking out. He was eating food from everyone's plates and almost ate someone. Venom made him climb into a freaking lobster tank and eat one of the live lobsters... Dawn made me grab a lobster too... The looks we got from the customers. We probably looked insane." I smiled fondly at the memory. I miss Eddie and Venom. I noticed everyone was paying attention now. The others looked amused. Steve was staring at me. Stark was laughing actually. So was Clint.

"Anyways. The next night Drake sent murder drones and people after us. We drove through the streets. We kinda made a bit of a mess, but we couldn't help it. They were freaking killer drones! We thought we got rid of them, but we didn't. We headed up getting hit by a car. Dawn and Venom helped us heal though. They fixed our broken bones in a snap. Venom ended up eating the guy who hit us, but that's not the point. Fast forward, we found out about Riots plan and made it to the rocket the same time he did. After a big fight. We managed to trap Riot and Drake in the rocket as it exploded. Venom and Eddie almost died. Fire is deadly to Simbiotes... but don't tell anyone that." I glared at the Avengers. They all nodded. I guess they know how to keep secrets... we all have secrets.

"Cross my heart Slime ball." Tony raised his right hand and placed his left hand over his arc reactor.

"Tiny man." Dawn growled through me. It looked like I said it, but in Dawn's deep voice. Tony's eyes widened, offended. The others smirked at Tony, taking in his reaction.

"Uh, what? I'm not tiny... you guys are just freaking skyscrapers! I'm taller than Banner!" He pointed to the doctor. Banner rolled his eyes. Tony crossed his arms and huffed. His armour making a clicking noise. Tony changed the subject. "We almost there Bruce?"

"We're actually here." Banner replied as he landed the quintet. Everyone geared up. I was in my vigilante suit. Mine was similar to Natasha's. I tied my long hair up in a braid. Steve went over the plan one last time. Banner stayed in the quintet, just in case.

Can I... have a snack while we're here? Dawn asked softly. I sighed.

Maybe. We'll see. There could be innocent people here.

Dawn was silent, but I knew she was ready for anything. I could hear more clearly. I could see better. Dawn made my senses increase dramatically. I could hear everyone's heartbeat... holy shit! I never knew we could do that!? I looked over to Clint. He gave me a grin and thumbs up. I laughed and gave them back. I smiled to myself.




You are so weird.

Oh you know you love me!


Dawn scoffed. I smirked. "I'm just kidding Dawn." I laughed. I looked up to Nat and Tony. Tony couldn't see me, but Nat could. Tony wiggles his finger beside his head and pointed at me. Dawn's arm reached out and stretched over to him. Nat smirked as she saw Dawn slap Tony's head. She disappeared and I pretended I didn't do anything. Tony gasped and looked behind him. Thor's back was to Tony. Tony glared at the god. Don't do it Tony...

Do it Tiny Man...

Tony punched Thor's shoulder with his armour on. Thor went forward a few steps. He turned to Tony quickly with a glare. He was still pissed off about Ultron. Tony's eyes widened. He clapped his hands.

"Alright team! Let's get this bread!" He walked out of the quinjet. I stifled a laugh. Steve and Thor looked very confused as Tony said that. Natasha and I grinned at each other.

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