Chapter 5

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I waved goodbye to Devan. Mason left because they needed her at the Avengers Tower. I hope Steve's okay. I hoped on my bike and made my way home.

I got home and walked into the building. Richard was visiting his family. I don't know where, but he won't be back for a while. He asked his sister, Susan to watch the building for him. She isn't the nicest. I prefer Richard. I made sure she wasn't there, and she wasn't. I sighed and walked to the elevator. I made it up to my floor and walked to my door. I realized it was unlocked. Probably Steve. I walked in and saw Steve sitting on the couch watching a movie. Toy Story to be exact. He looked to be right into it too. I smiled at the man. I took of my jacket and walked to me room. I started the shower and got in.

I stepped out and got dressed. I blow dried my hair and brushed it. I walked to the living room and Steve was in the same spot.

"How was the mission?" I asked as I sat next to him. He looked over to me. He smiled.

"It was good. Clint got hurt though. Your friend Mason helped fix him up. She told me that you told her about Dawn. And that you were friends. Tony overheard and now he's asking about you. He thinks you my secret girlfriend." Steve looked down shyly. I laughed. Of course Stark is teasing Steve. Steve is so easy to pick on and just being Stark don't help.

"Does he know my name?" Steve shook his head.

"I told Mason not to tell him either." He smiled. "Tony's throwing a party tonight. I was wondering if you would like to be"

Are you still blind?

I ignored the parasite.


I smirked at Steve. "Of course! I'll love to be your date!"

He sighed out in relief. He grinned at me. He stared into my eyes. Does he really like me? Do I like him? I seem to get jealous of girls who think he's hot, I mean I shouldn't. He is really hot! He is also sweet, funny, adorable-.

Oh my god! Yes you like him! He likes you! He asked you to be his date! Your his date! It like those movies where the two love sick people wait too long and it starts problems!

Dawn, we have to cut down on our romance movies Okay.

Okay I'm fine with that. Those movies make me so mad that they don't see the signs. Just like you! Now the Walking Dead I like! I relate to the walkers!

I rolled my eyes. Steve raised an eyebrow.

"Dawns being annoying right now. I just had to roll my eyes." I smiled. Steve laughed. He looked so happy. I looked at me phone and the time was 2:53 p.m. Steve looked at me phone. His eyes widened. He stood up quickly.

"I'm supposed to meet Sam at 3. The party's at 7, so I'll pick you up at 6:30?" Steve asked shyly. I nodded with a smile.

"Sounds good." I waved him goodbye as he walked out. I have 3 and a half hours to get ready. I think I have something to wear. I'm not a dress girl. I'm more into leather jackets. I walked to my room and looked in my closet. I actually have one dress in here. It's a blue one. I took it out.

I took out a black leather jacket out too

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I took out a black leather jacket out too. I smiled at the dress. I don't really want to wear a dress, but I'm going to a Billionaire's party... I would fit in if I wear one. Time to get ready.


It was not 6:25 p.m. I'm so nervous.

It's just Steve Hailey. No need to be nervous.

"I know, but I'm going to meet the Avengers too. Thor, who's literally a god! Tony Stark, a Billionaire. Bruce Banner, a doctor with like 7 PhD's and also known as the Hulk. Hawkeye, Clint Barton, the man who never misses. Steve's other best friend, Sam, Falcon. I already met Natasha. There's also a SHIELD agent, Maria Hill. Oh my god!" I exclaimed out loud. I can't breath. I closed my eyes. Okay, okay. Your okay. Just calm down. It just like a normal party.

Yeah, with assassins, geniuses, a super soldier, a big green guy, and a secret agent. No biggie. Your friends with an alien... or I'm friends with an alien...

"Thanks Dawn. You really do help." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

Your welcome

I scoffed. There was a knock at my door. I looked in the mirror one last time. My curled brown hair hung over my shoulders. I had on my black leather jacket over my blue dress. I put on some mascara, but that's about it. I don't do makeup either. I took a deep breath. I hope I don't look to bad. I opened the door. I smiled at Steve.

"Hey Steve." I greeted. Steve was about to say something, but he stopped himself. His eyes scanned my body. I felt more nervous. Do I look that bad? I looked down at me clothes. "Do I look that bad?"

"Hailey... y-you look amazing..." he said almost breathlessly. I laughed awkwardly. He looked speechless. He shook his head and clears his throat. "Sorry Hailey, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Steve." I grinned. He stepped out of the way and I walked out. I looked my door and followed Steve to the elevator. I looked to see what Steve was wearing. Oh god. He had a dark blue shirt on. We match! He looked really good in it too. I stared at him. He looked over to me. I looked away quickly. He chuckled. I smiled at him. "You look handsome Steve."

He smiled at me shyly. The elevator doors opened. I stopped Steve before he could walk by the front. I saw Susan. I cursed. She don't like me. She always criticizes me about everything. She was talking to a woman. Steve looked confused. I shook my head. I'm just going to ignore her, just for tonight. I grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him to the door quickly. I heard Susan call my name, but I kept on walking. We made it out and I saw Steve's bike. I pushed him to hurry up. I saw Susan coming out. He started his bike. We drove off before Susan could get to us. I sighed in relief.

"You really don't like her do you?" Steve yelled over the bike. I laughed.

"You have no idea!" We made our way to the Tower. After about 10 minutes, we made it to the tower. I looked up at the Tower. We parked the bike and got off. Steve noticed my uneasiness. He put his arm around me. I looked up at him.

"You'll Be Fine Hailey. They'll love you." He reassured with a soft smile. I nodded with a nervous smile.

We got this Hailey.

I hope you two are right.

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