Chapter 7

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I threw myself to the ground to avoid getting hit. Steve flew back as he was hit by a robot. I heard Maria's gun shooting and I saw Thor it a robot with his hammer. Tony and Rhodey jumped down, only to be knower down by robots. Rhodey fell through some glass.

Let me help.

Dawn came out. I saw Thor and Maria stare at me in shock and awe. Dawn reached over the threw a robot into the wall. Steve jumped on a robot that was shooting at Nat and Banner. It flew back and knocked Steve into a wall. Dawn reached up and tore the robot in half. Tony jumped onto the other. Thor broke the other on into pieces. Tony managed to stop the one he was on. It fell to the ground. Dawn caught Stark before he touched the floor. Tony stared at me with wide eyes.

"Thanks slime ball." He said as I put him down.

"Your welcome tiny man." Dawn said. Tony blinked at Dawn. There was one left, it was Ultron.

"That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change." We all stared at the robot. Dawn stayed out, just in case. I felt eyes on me too. Ultron picked up a robot. "How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? With these, these puppets. There's only one path to peace... the Avengers extinction."

Thor threw his hammer and it went through Ultron. It went through the wall and came back. Ultron's lights began to shimmer.

"I had strings, but now I'm free." Was the last thing he said before his lights turned off. Everyone's eyes came to me. Everyone looked shocked and confused. Dawn looked around and waved at everyone. Clint was the only one who waved back.

"I like you." Dawn pointed at Clint. Clint nodded with a small smile. Dawn went back into me. I looked around me again. The still stared. Tony shook his head.

"Okay, okay. Let's get this to the lab. Let me take a look." Tony walked up to the robot. So did everyone else, but Dawn reached out and picked up all the pieces. Thor raised an brow.

"You are not of Earth?" He asked.

"I am, Dawn isn't. She was taken from her planet by Carlton Drake-." Tony scoffed. We all looked over his way.

"Drake was such an ass, that's saying a lot coming from me." He pointed to himself.
I nodded. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"He was a dick." Dawn's head came out of my side. She grinned, showing off her sharp teeth.

"That's so cool!" Clint exclaimed with a grin. He looked at Dawn. Dawn smiled at him. Clint is obviously her favourite now.

"I finally get to talk to people other then Hailey and Steve! I'm getting tired of the sexual tension." Dawn looked at everyone in the room. I gasped. Steve looked down with a blush. Everyone smirked at us. I blushed slightly too. Tony glared at Steve.

"Steven Rogers! How could you keep this a secret from us?! You met a beautiful women who just happens to have a sarcastic alien inside her and not tell us!? Shame on you Cap... shame..." Tony scolded Steve playfully. Steve rolled his eyes at Stark.

"I'm feeling a bit hungry Hailey... I think I know the perfect snack." Her eyes stopped at Tony. She moved closer to him. Her long tongue reaching out to him. Tony's eyes widened as he back away behind Steve. I scolded at Dawn. She sighed.

"Maybe an Asgardian? My friends did say they are quite delicious." She smirked at Thor. Thor readied his hammer.

"By Odin's beard you will not step near me." He warned. Everyone looked a bit confused and worried.

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