Chapter 6

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The elevator doors opened at there were people everywhere. They wore fancy dresses and clothes. I smiled. Good thing I wore a dress. Steve and I walked farther in. I saw Tony Stark, Thor, Maria, and I think Rhodey talking to each other across the room. Maria made eye contact with me. I quickly looked away. I felt all their eyes on us. I glanced over and saw them laughing. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Steve's arm was still around my waist. I felt slightly relaxed with Steve. He smiled down at me. I smiled back. We walked towards Sam. He was playing pool.

"Mind if we join?" Steve asked his friend. Sam looked up.

"Sure, just don't cry when you lose." His eyes found me. He raised his eyebrows as he saw Steve's arm around me. He smirked. Steve pulled his arm away.

"Sorry Hailey." He apologized with a small smile. I laughed.

"No need to apologize Steve. I kinda liked having your arm around me." I smirked. Oh great! Now I'm flirting! Steve smiled shyly


Sam smirked at me.

"I like you." He pointed at me. I smirked. I raised my hand.

"The names Hailey, Steve's best friend, nice to meet you."

"Sam, Steve first best friend. Pleasure I'm sure." He shook my hand. I laughed because he met me first. Steve smiled at us. He picked up two pool sticks and handed me one. I smirked.

"Get ready to lose boys." I said as I positioned myself. Sam and Steve chuckled. I took a shot and three balls went in. I looked at Sam. His jaw dropped. Steve smirked. This is going to be a fun game. That was actually a surprise to me too, but I didn't show it.


After the game, which I won, I followed Steve and Sam.

"Sounds like one hell of a fight. Sorry I missed it." Sam said to Steve. We walked towards some stairs.

"If I had known it was going to be a firefight, I absolutely would've called." Steve spoke to him. They started up the stairs. I saw Natasha and she waved me over. I watched Steve walk up with Sam. I shrugged. He'll find me when he needs me. I walked over to the bar. Natasha poured me a drink. I looked at it unsure. She smirked.

"Trust me, it's good." She smiled. I laughed.

"That's not why I hesitated." I laughed. She tilted her head curiously. "My friend... Eddie, he put something in my drink. It made me a act like I was drunk. I can't get drunk as easily because of Dawn."

"Sounds nice." She smirked as she took a stick of hers. I smiled and took a drink.

"You look amazing Natasha. If my friend saw you wearing that, I bet he would fall more in love with you then he already is." I smirked at her. She smirked back.

"Tell him to give me a call, maybe we can get a coffee. Or maybe take down a HYDRA facility together." She smirked. I smirked at the red head.

"Yeah, 'cause every couple loves doing that." I laughed. She smiled. She looked to her right. I followed her line of sight and I saw Steve with Thor. I guess I'm going to meet Thor.

"I'm going over with Steve." I announced to Natasha. She nodded.

"Go for it. I'll be waiting here." She smiled. I nodded. I walked over to Steve and Thor. Thor was pouring something into a cup. A man from beside the two spoke up.

"I gotta have some of that." He pushed his cup closer to Thor. Thor smirked at the man.

"Oh! No, no, no, no! You see this, this was aged for a thousand years." Thor poured a cup for Steve and handed it to him. "In barrels built from the wreck of Bronoco's Fleet. It was not built for mortal men."

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