Chapter Twenty one

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Sky's POV

Once Blake walked out of my room I fell to the ground and started crying really hard and it got hard to breath. Was I having a ashma attack I have ashma but it didn't seem like one my other brothers had a worrided look on their faces. "Calm down Skylar it's going to be okay MOM DAD HELP!!!" Brandon yelled while Hunter, Luke,and Kyle searched around my room for something, I don't know what exactly. 

My mom and dad ran upstairs to my room once they saw me they came over and tried calming me down. "Sky honey calm down deep breaths it's okay just take deep breaths.....HUNTER GET HER INHALER!!" My mom said.I tried taking deep breaths but it didn't help. "WHERE IS IT?!?!?!" Hunter asked. "In her night stand top drawer." Luke said. Hunter grabbed it and gave it to me I took it and a few minutes later I could finally breath normally again. "Boys one of you care to explain why your sister just had a panic attack?" Our dad questioned. They all put there hands up in surrender "It wasn't us it was Blake." Kyle said "Is that true Sky?" My mom asked "Well yes.. and no" I said "What do you mean by that" Both of my parents asked. "Well it was Blake but it was also Kyle" I said sitting on my bed. 

"What did I do?" Kyle asked "You are constantly yelling at me and you called me a brat." I said "Sorry I didn't mean to I was just upset that's all." "Yeah whatever." I said. "What did Blake do?" My mom asked "Umm....well-" I couldn't finish I started crying again because it hurt a lot when he said that. "Well he was yelling and Sky and then Screamed ("I JUST WANT MY TWIN BACK") And then walked out and ya" Hunter said. 

"BLAKE LEE BARKER GET YOUR ASS IN HERE THIS INSTANT!!!" My mom yelled "What did I do this time?" Blake asked walking into my room. "Why did you say that to you sister?" My dad asked "I say a lot of this to her what conversation are you talking about?" Blake asked, you could tell he was pissed off and annoyed because of his voice. 

"They one that she got a panic attack from I already know what you said but I want to know why?" Our mom said. "I never said anything to make her have a panic attack she was probably just faking it." Blake replied. "Oh ya I faked laying on my floor balling my eyes out and not being able to breath just because I wanted to get you in trouble?" I said pissed now.

"Yeah that's exactly what you did." He said. "Blake knock it off, why did you say I just want my twin back?" My father asked "BECAUSE I DO SHE'S BEEN ACTING LIKE A SLUT!" Blake screamed and I lost it. "OH YEAH I'M A SLUT LAST TIME I CHECKED I'M STILL A VIRGIN, JAKE IS MY SECOND BOYFRIEND! HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE YOU SLEPT  WITH? HUH?" I screamed "OH YEAH I'M SURE YOU'RE A VIRGIN YOU KNOW YOU'RE A HORRIBLE LIAR!!!" He screamed back at me. "I'M NOT LYING I'M STILL A VIRGIN I'LL TAKE A LIE DETECTOR TEST TO PROVE IT!!! I HATE YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE!!!"

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