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(Maeve is in the media)

I woke up to my alarm beeping at 7:30 am. Groaning, I turned over and smacked it until it turned off. I got up quickly took a shower before waking up Maeve. Maeve could never get up on her own, she would just unset the alarm. 

"Maeve get up, we're going to meet Tyler!" I squealed. Ripping off the blanket and pulling open the window. She resisted, so I left to make us breakfast. I made two bowls of oatmeal before pouring food for Party Man. I shoved the bowl into Maeve's face and she slowly opened her eyes. "We can't be late for Tyler!" I starred into her soul, there was no way in hell I would be sacrificing my chances to meet him. 

I walked back to my room, still in my towel, and pulled out my hair from the towel and chowed my oatmeal down. I slipped on my clothes before facing the mirror, smoothing everything out. Then the struggle started. Doing your hair and makeup with one arm was near impossible. I brushed my hair out before starting on my makeup. 

I knew eyeliner was out of the question with my non-dominant hand, so I stuck with basic eyeshadow. I blended a pink color into the crease, once it was blended I took a glittery lip gloss and spread it all over my lid to complete an 'I-wear-aesthetic-brands-for-the-aesthetic' type look. I curled my eyelashes before applying brow gel, concealer, a little blush, and the same lipgloss on my eyes to my lips.  I threw up a peace sign into the mirror before laughing at myself, also despising myself that it took me 45 minutes to do my makeup. 

Now, the true struggle bus started; I know how I wanted to wear my hair I just wasn't sure if I would be able to do it. Maeve walked into my room with soaking wet hair. She walked over to my hair. "I know what you want, so I'll just do it so we can leave on time." I smiled as my best friend grabbed my brush. She parted my hair just off to the center before putting two strands to frame my face forward. 

Putting my short hair into two half up-half down pig tails, she finished the look by putting to purple butterfly clips onto of the rubber elastics. She smiled putting her hands on my shoulders. "Pretty." She quickly walked out to finish getting ready as I slipped on my le fleurs. I packed my mini light pink backpack. I placed my wallet, an extra pair of socks, bandaids, some hair accessories, and some makeup incase I needed a touch up. 

At roughly 8:45 I walked out of my room before making us coffee. I put on the pot as I heard the hair dryer at it's work. As the coffee was brewing I got out oat milk and sugar. I starred off into space as I heard the release of the coffee. I filled the first cup before quickly switching the two cups. I poured in the oat milk and a little bit of sugar in mine, and in Maeve's I poured oat milk and ice. I stuck a metal straw into hers, even though she hates them we aren't going to kill the environment. 

She walked out of the bathroom with her hair straight and int vintage overalls and a bralette. She grabbed her coffee before we walked out of our apartment, but not before giving Party Man a dramatic goodbye as usual.


As we walked around the empty festival it felt so surreal. Suddenly her phone started ringing and she went off to answer it. When she returned she looked annoyed. "That bitch Jamie decided to drop her interview with some guy named Brockhampton, so now I got to do it." She rolled her eyes. "You have to do the Tyler interview by yourself, sorry girlie." She said as she directed me to where I would be going. I was excited to do the interview, but I knew how much this meant to Maeve and couldn't help but feel bad about it.

As I walked behind the stage I saw none other than Tyler sitting there talking to Rocky. He shot up and shook my hand as the camera man set up and mic'd up Tyler and I. Rocky also came over and introduced himself. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. "God damn T you're lucky you got a hot interviewer, I had one that was not too attractive." A blush rose to my cheeks as I realized we had started. 

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now