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Okay so basically I'm changing this trip to a week instead of a weekend, but I'm too lazy to go back and fix it. Also is anyone actually reading this?

I woke up hugging Nick's chest. I could see a faint outline of the morning outside of the black out curtains. I slowly sat up and grabbed my phone and checked the time. 6:47 am. I looked up at Nick to see his eyes wide open.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked leaning against the head board. I could make out small features, but I could tell he turned his head towards me. 

"I never fell asleep." 

"Why?" I said slightly frowning, his expression remained unreadable.

"What if he came back? I wanted to make sure you were ok." I smiled as I stood up walking around to his side of the bed. He was still laying down so I pulled the blankets up onto him. 

"Thank you, Nick. Get some sleep." I saw him close his eyes and I kissed his forehead in a non romantic way and quietly left the room. When I walked out I saw Tavia on the kitchen island eating some fruit. She looked up and smiled at me, before she realized where I was coming from.

"Did you two?" I shook my head. She shrugged as Matt walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Blaire." He said taking a bite of watermelon from Tavia's snack. I waved as she continued on.

"I think you guys would be a good couple." Matt looked confused. "Her and Nick." He slowly nodded confused. She turned back towards me. "So what were you doing in his room anyway, and wearing his hoodie?"

"This could be mine."

"He hasn't released it yet. Anyway, answer the question." 

"Well, last night some guy tried breaking in and Nick scared him off. I was scared he would come back so I went with him because I felt safer. As for the hoodie he gave it to me last night when you two were on your date." She nodded as she looked out of the window. I did the same and saw Ciarán's car approaching. Inside was Jabari, Joba, Zuri, and Ciarán. The rest couldn't make it, but that was okay. 

I waited as they came inside eagerly. Ciarán of course had to come in last and I gave him a tight hug. I went in for a kiss, but he quickly turned his head making my kiss land on his cheek. Maybe that was an accident? Yeah, an accident. I let go of him and let him bring his stuff up to the loft. I sit down on the couch and wait for him to come back down. 

I smile as he plants himself next to me and puts his arm around me. I snuggle into his side as we start talking. "How was working with Dijon, you hung up kind of abruptly."

"It was a lot of fun he's such a nice guy and funny. Oh, and I brought my guitar so maybe I can teach you a little bit while we're here." I smiled while looking up, he was looking down at me and I thought this would be a perfect time for a kiss. I go in for one, but yet again he turns his head and lets go of me. 

I look and notice Matt walking to the porch and I sigh. Am I really this embarrassing? I pushed myself up off the couch. I started to walk away when I heard Ciarán call after me,

"Wait, Blaire, where you going? I wanted to tell you about yesterday." I sighed not wanting to cry. I had a boyfriend for 2 years and he always told me that he hated PDA, but turns out he was embarrassed of me. He didn't even refer to me as his girlfriend when other people were around. 

"It's just really early. I think I'm going back to sleep for a little bit." I said as I walked back to one of the empty bedrooms. I close the blinds as it leads to the deck and I lay down. I start to slowly cry into the pillow trying to be as quiet as possible. 

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now