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After somebody suggested I blow-dry the cast, and successfully did I rejoined everyone at the party. It was now around 7 and I was talking with one of the girls I met. Her name was Enya and she was hanging around a guy named Roy and a guy named Drew. 

"So you're really telling me the guy who broke your arm is now your friend?" I nodded as she laughed. "I think I would've killed him."

"I should've, but I'm too nice." I said my eyes finding him smoking a cigarette with a guy named Joba. "Plus, he helped me out today when this creep was hitting on me." 

"How sweet of him." She said as I felt my phone buzz. I took out my phone to see quite a few texts from Maeve. I groaned as I ignored them. Enya pulled her phone out and started showing me picture of Azul, her cat. 

"He's so cute! I have a cat name Partyman." I saw her face question me in confusion. "It's a price song." She nodded as I saw Ciarán coming over. She smiled and looked at me, then looked at him.

"I think I'm going to leave you two, alone. I'll be back." She smirked as she stood up from the hammock. I chuckled as she ran off to Roy and Ciarán was stood in front of me. 

"Can I sit?" I nodded.

"I don't know about Ireland, but America is a free country so do whatever the hell you want." He laughed as he played down next to me. "Enya is awesome."

"Yeah, I really love everyone here." He was about to say something else when I felt my butt vibrating. I pulled out my phone to see I was getting a call from Maeve.

"I'm sorry, give me one sec." I said before answering.

"Where the hell are you?!"

"I'm at a party."

"Well, you didn't think to invite me?"

"I'm sorry I was invited really last minute. I also don't really know the people hosting, so I can't invite you."

"Wow, unbelievable." She said as she hung up. I sighed as placed my phone on my stomach as I turned back to Ciarán.

"What were you saying? Sorry."

"Oh, um, I." He seemed really unsure of what to say. I looked up at him and scotched a little closer. I stayed quiet as he fiddled with his hands. 

"Let's go join everyone else. I think the food's here." I said standing up and holding out my hand for him to grab. He took it and I pulled him up and as if on cue, Ian yelled that the pizza was here. I pulled him into the house where everyone was gathered. 

I got two slices of cheese pizza and waited fro Ciarán, before going back outside. As we walked back out we sat down in the grass. Enya came and sat down next to me, which was quickly followed by Drew. 

"Everyone here is so much fun!" I exclaimed taking a bite of my Pizza. "Like usually when I get invited to something, it's full of douche bags." I heard a few laughs.  I took another bite of my pizza and just looked around at how everyone was getting along. This was new to me.

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun." Ciarán said before Enya started to talk.

"I'm going to have to get your number, because you're chill. Also, you can meet Azul." I smiled as she handed me her phone. I put in my details before handing it back and smiling. 


As the night got darker, more and more people left. Enya had left about an hour ago and everyone had moved inside as it got colder. With less people around we had all started to drink. I was feeling the effects and my drunk side was coming out. I was sitting next to Merlyn and Ciarán and everyone else was spread out around the living room.

"OOO, what if we go camping?" I suggested as Merlyn and I's conversation kept changing every three seconds. He took another sip before turning towards me eagerly.

"YES!" He said. "We should go this weekend." I nodded as if this idea was foreign. 

"We can go up near Big Bear. But who's going to come?" He shrugged before standing up.

"Who wants to go camping with us?" No one responded and Merlyn starts backdown. "We will make room for them. Who doesn't want to go camping?" I nodded as I felt Ciarán tapping my shoulder to get my attention.

"Are you going camping?" I said grinning widely.

"Sure. But first I think it's time for me to get you home." He said standing up. I frowned. "Come on, I'll promise you that I'll invite you to hang out again." I then smiled before jumping up. 

"Goodbye!" I said as I quickly followed Ciarán out into the dark night. I felt myself start to stumble over my shoelaces, but Ciarán quickly held me up. He supported me to my car before opening the door and letting me climb in. I watched as he climbed in and smiled as he started my car.

"What?" He said with a slight laugh.

"I think you're nice to look at."

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now