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sorry i ghosted you. i still love you tho.

I fixed my hair quickly as I started to walk out of the room. We had fallen asleep after we had sex and I had been in there for about two hours now. As I was about to leave I heard Ciarán groan.I looked over and saw he had his eyes barely open. 

"Where are you going?" He said rubbing his eyes. "Wherever it is it can wait. Come back to bed." He said patting the spot I had just gotten up from. Somebody's cocky. I eyed him while I debated, but luckily a knock at the door decided my decision for me. I walked over and opened it to see Nick on the other side.

"There you are, everyone is looking for you. Merlyn told us what happened." His eyes quickly darted behind me to see Ciarán on the bed. A devilish grin came up on his face as he realized what happened. "Well congrats on getting layed." he said as he started to walk away. I felt my cheeks burning as I closed my door. I walked back to the bed and pulled the blanket back up and I looked over and saw him smiling.

"I knew you'd come back." He pulled me into his body. I put my head on his chest and listened to the thumping of his heart. 

"I'm only staying because I want to, not because you asked." I said tracing designs onto his bare chest. He let out a laugh as I continued tracing hearts and other designs. 

I had been listening to him hum a tune when my phone started to buzz. I groaned as I rolled over and I looked at the caller ID. Maeve. I rolled my eyes as I answered the phone. 

"Hello." I said. 

"You ruined my life." She said. I rolled my eyes. "You took the interview of my dreams, and you hung out with them after Flog Gnaw."

"You were invited. I don't know what else to tell you." I groaned as she hung up the phone. I put it back on the table and turned to face Ciarán. I rolled my eyes. "She is such a bitch." 

"Why are you even friends with her?" 

I sighed. "At this point I don't even know." 


It was now time for me to start making dinner. I was getting everything I needed out including the dough, sauce, cheese, and other toppings. I started needing the dough and rolling it when Ciarán came wandering. He sat down at the island watching me roll out the dough. I had turned on the surround sound and 'Corduroy Dreams' by Rex Orange County was playing. 

"So, what's for dinner?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Isn't it obvious or do you not have pizza in Ireland." I joked around and I saw a small blush arise to his face.

"Oh, shut up."

"You're telling me to shut up. I'm the one making your food."

"What are you going to do poison it?"

"Yep." He let out a laugh. I placed the pizza dough onto the pans before I started to add the sauce. I spread it out and then started to add the cheese. "Can you go ask people what they want on their pizza, please?" He nodded before getting up and I heard him knocking on the doors.

I placed the cheese pizza into the oven and as I stood up I felt Ciarán's arms wrap around my waist. "Everybody's fine with just cheese." He mumbled. He started to kiss my neck.

"Not now, I'm cooking." I said laughing. He continued on. "Come on, Ciarán." I turned around to face him. Corduroy Dreams ended and 'Marlboro Nights' by Lonely God started playing. I instantly started smiling as the best song in the world started to play. 

I don't want to go to school tomorrow I can't study
Thinking about you
And you know I always do

I grabbed Ciarán's hands and started to urge him to dance, to my surprise he did. 

I don't want to go to sleep tonight when I can stay up
Thinking about you
And you know I always do

I started to spin around, before slipping and falling. I never hit the ground, for Ciarán caught me and pulled me up.

Marlboro Nights
Marlboro Nights

"My sister is a dancer, me on the other hand not so much." I said smiling as he let go of me. 

I don't want to go to school tomorrow I'm too tired

"But you're good at painting. I bet she's not as good as you."

I don't want to go to sleep tonight I'll see the fire

"Yeah, but all of my siblings are good at something I suppose."

We had too many

"All of them?"

Marlboro Nights

Marlboro Nights

"I have four siblings. I have the older twins and the younger two." He looked confused. "I'm the only one who isn't a twin."

"How did I not know about them?"

"You never asked." I shrugged as I opened the oven to check on the pizzas. The heat wave hit my face as I quickly slammed the door shut. I stood back up to a still confused Ciarán. "It's not a big deal. I've known you like a month?"

"Tell me about them." I shrugged as I grabbed two glasses of water. "Come on, Blaire! I'm starting to feel like I don't know you." 

"Well I didn't know you were from Leprechaun Land."

"Well, you know now."

"I suppose." I sighed as I sat down next to him. "I guess we'll start with the twins. Noelle has Heterochromia." He cocked his head to the side. "Two different eye colors. She's a professional dancer. She has a daughter named Eliana. Then Noah owns a restaurant with his fiancée, and is expecting.  They're 5 years older than me." I took a sip, before checking on the pizza again. I pulled it out to let it cool before taking my seat. 

"Then Josh is a senior in high school. Plays football. Annalise is adopted and is a sophomore. She plays field hockey likes going to concerts. That completes it." I was met with a groan. "What?"

"I want to know more. I want to know everything about you."

"If you're so in love with my family, just meet them. I mean that's where I'm moving since Maeve is a bitch." He nodded and I stood up. I grabbed the pizza and placed it onto the table before slicing it. I stepped into the living room and yelled for everyone. 


I felt someone shaking me. Trying to wake me. I was planning on ignoring them until-

"Blaire?" It was a whisper, but it was an Irish accent. I opened my eyes and turned over. 

"Hello?" I said looking up at Ciarán's face. The room was dark and I was having a hard time making out his face. His breath was fast as I reached around for his hand. As my eyes slowly adjusted my search became easier. I grabbed on and he was shaking. As if I was hit with ice water I was suddenly fully awake. I jolted up, still holding onto him. "Are you okay?" 

"I had- I had a nightmare." 

"Do you want to talk about it?" I could see him shake his head. "Are you sure?" His head nodded. "I really think it would help, but if you're sure."

"Okay, somebody I'm close to died." He sputtered out. I pulled him closer to me before kissing his head. 

"I'm sorry, do you want to try going back to sleep?" I felt him shrug. "Are you scared to go back to sleep?" I felt a pause and a nod. 

"You can go to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you."

"Don't feel sorry. I'm happy to help."     

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now