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As I waited for Ciarán to arrive I had already started putting the painting into my car. I loaded up the last few of the ten just as Ciarán came up behind me. I heard his footsteps approaching and I quickly turned around to see him with two cups of coffee. He handed me a cup and I gratefully took a sip.

"I thought I was helping you move these." He gestured to the 7 paintings in the back of my car. I closed the trunk and faced him.

"Well you are, but mostly so this guy won't be hella creepy for once." I laughed as I gestured to go to the car. He didn't move, but instead starred down at my arm. "The doctor never said specifically I couldn't drive."

"Give me your keys. I'm not dying today." I rolled my eyes and threw them at him and I got into my car. I pulled my seat belt over and smiled as I looked at Ciarán before quickly pulling away. I plugged in my phone to the AUX and looked up what I was searching for.

"Brockhampton, right?" He nodded as he started to pull out of the parking garage. "What song should we start with?"

"I don't know pick one."

"I don't know pick one." I said mocking him and clicking on the most played ones. "This one is called Bleach. Are you in it?"

"Yes and thanks for clarifying my now song name." He said now mocking me. I starred at him with a deadpan expression before looking back at my phone. "I sing at the very end." He says focusing on the busy LA traffic. I was bobbing my head to the song and I saw him look over at me and let out a laugh. I picked up my coffee and took a sip while still doing so. "I'm assuming you like it?"

"Yeah I like it." I said taking another sip. I looked out onto the street and saw that we were finally going with the directions heading us towards the hills. The song was undoubtedly good and I recognized Matt's voice, but I had no clue who else was singing. 

"This is my part." He said taking and extremely scary turn. I was listening to the song closely and took another sip. He was talking about a girl. His voice was angelic.

"Sounds like somebody is in love!" 

"Yeah, I was."


As we pulled up to the house I already saw him standing outside the house. Waiting. He started to approach the car. I rolled down the window and he stuck his head in. "Hello Blaire." He quickly shifted his glance to Ciarán. "Who's this."

"I'm Ciarán." Ciarán said extending his hand out. Micheal looked at it before ignoring it. 

"Micheal." Was all he said before walking off into the giant house. I sighed before I jumped out of the car and started bringing the painting out. Micheal was watching us so I stayed silent. 

"This guy is very creepy, fair warning. Try not to interact that much with him. Please." e nodded as he helped me carry the paintings. There were only 7 by, each was massive with the exception of 1 or 2. As we entered the house I could already feel Micheal's stares as I placed the painting in the living room as usual. 

"Blaire why don't you wear what you wear tot he art fairs? Skirts look so nice on you."I heard him tap on the counter waiting my answer. 

"I have to look nice for those things. So people will buy my stuff." 

"Yeah, well, maybe I'd tip you if wore a skirt." I rolled my eyes and started walking out to grab then other paintings when I felt Ciarán grab my arm. I turned around and the looked angry. "What?"

"Are you really going to let him say that to you?" I nodded handing him two more paintings. "Seriously?" I nodded again before sighing.

"He buys a lot of my shit and I don't want to piss him off." I shrugged rushing back into the house. I placed the paintings in the same spot. I started to walk out when I felt Micheal grab my arm. 

Broken Arm || Ciarán McDonaldWhere stories live. Discover now